What were early Spanish explorers?

What were early Spanish explorers?

America. Hernando de Soto was not the first Spanish conquistador to explore the territory of La Florida. A handful of his fellow countrymen, including Juan Ponce de León, Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón, Pánfilo de Narváez, and Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, preceded him.

What did the Spanish explorers do?

During the Age of Discovery, conquistadors sailed beyond Europe to the Americas, Oceania, Africa, and Asia, colonizing and exploiting territory and opening trade routes. They brought colonialism to much of the world for Spain and Portugal in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries.

Who were the Spanish explorers and what did they explore?

Spanish exploration of the New World was led by Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon, who invaded and colonized great parts of what would become South, Central, and North America. The French Empire, led by Jacques Cartier and Giovanni da Verrazano, focused predominantly on North America.

Who were 3 Spanish explorers?

3. Spanish Explorers: Juan Pérez, José Navaéz, and Tomás de Suría. The Spanish were the first non-Natives to make a record of explorations along the Northwest Coast. Yet their approach to discovery of the territory was never very systematic.

What were Spanish explorers called?

conquistador, (Spanish: “conqueror”) plural conquistadores or conquistadors, any of the leaders in the Spanish conquest of America, especially of Mexico and Peru, in the 16th century.

Who was the first Spanish explorer?

Juan Ponce de León
Near present-day St. Augustine, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León comes ashore on the Florida coast, and claims the territory for the Spanish crown.

What did Spanish explorers bring to the New World?

Explorers brought horses, cattle, pigs, and grains such as barley and wheat to the Americas. Europeans took back such American plants as corn, tomatoes, tobacco, and cocoa.

What was the motto of the Spanish explorers?

Under the Bourbon dynasty in the 17th and 18th centuries, Spanish flags were generally white and bore versions of the coat of arms that included the Pillars of Hercules with its motto proclaiming “Plus ultra” (“More beyond”) to reflect the discoveries by Spanish explorers.

What was the primary object of Spanish explorers in the New World?

Their goal was to claim land and resources for their investors and conquer natives of other lands for treasure and glory. They also were vital in the spread and enforcement of religion.

Who was the first Spanish explorer to reach Mexico?

Hernán Cortés
Born around 1485, Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador and explorer who defeated the Aztecs and claimed Mexico for Spain. He first set sail to the New World at the age of 19. Cortés later joined an expedition to Cuba. In 1518, he set off to explore Mexico.

What effects did Spain have upon the newly discovered Americas?

The Spanish conquest was also facilitated by the spread of diseases (e.g., smallpox), common in Europe but never present in the New World, which reduced the indigenous populations in the Americas. This caused labor shortages for plantations and public works, and so the colonists initiated the Atlantic slave trade.

What did Spain introduce to the Americas?

Tomatoes, chocolate, potatoes, corn, green beans, peanuts, vanilla, pineapple, and turkey transformed the European diet, while Europeans introduced sugar, cattle, pigs, cloves, ginger, cardamon, and almonds to the Americas.

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