What is self-explanation?

What is self-explanation?

Self-explanation — the theory In self-explanations, learners describe why a concept or idea is important and how it relates to their prior knowledge (Larsen et al., 2013). Generating self-explanations is an active, constructive process in which the learner creates knowledge.

How does self-explanation help students?

Self-explanations help the learner integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge, and can allow the learner to update and refine existing mental models[1]. Self-explanation has been shown to improve the acquisition of problem-solving skills when studying worked-out examples.

How do you explain yourself?

Pause and self-explain when you don’t understand what you are reading. Develop a habit of pausing when you don’t understand new material. Try to explain your way through the difficulty. Talk it through out loud.

What is self elaboration?

Learning Theory: Elaboration and Self-Explanation. Definition: Connecting learning material to other concepts, experiences, or memories and explaining/describing concepts in greater detail.

Is self explanatory one word?

explaining itself; needing no explanation; obvious. Also self-ex·plain·ing [self-ik-spley-ning, self-].

What is distributed practice in psychology?

a learning procedure in which practice periods for a particular task are separated by lengthy rest periods or lengthy periods of practicing different activities or studying other material, rather than occurring close together in time. Also called spaced learning; spaced practice. …

What are the two types of self?

Two types of Self are commonly considered—the Self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial Self of mind and body, egoic creation, and the Self which is sometimes called the “True Self”, the “Observing Self”, or the “Witness”.

Do you need to explain yourself?

You don’t have to explain yourself. Whether those choices are the right ones can only be determined over time, but that is not the point. You made those choices based on your own experiences and knowledge. Nothing anyone else can say or do will change the decisions you’ve already made.

What is self exploration in counseling?

Self-exploration can be thought of as the process of understanding one’s true self and of uncovering unrealised potential. A lack of unity between the inner self and the one’s outside existence can create psychological discomfort.

How do you do elaborative interrogation?

“Elaborative interrogation” is a strategy within this broad idea, and it involves asking “how” and “why” questions and finding those answers (1). Students can do this independently, with the teacher helping, or in pairs of groups. Once they come up with the questions, students must also find the answers!

What is a self proclaimed person?

Self-proclaimed is used to show that someone has given themselves a particular title or status rather than being given it by other people.

What is another way to say self-explanatory?

What is another word for self-explanatory?

clear straightforward
easy to understand without explanation
easy to follow lucid
explicit unequivocal
comprehensible coherent

What is the self in psychology?

Self Definition In psychology, the notion of the self refers to a person’s experience as a single, unitary, autonomous being that is separate from others, experienced with continuity through time and place. The experience of the self includes consciousness of one’s physicality as well as one’s inner character and emotional life.

What are the contributions of self psychology?

Contributions of Self Psychology. Self psychology highlights the importance of empathy in the context of the therapeutic relationship as a tool to understand and explain what has been observed, rather than a specific action or deed, and considers it to be an essential component of the treatment and healing process.

What is the self-concept in psychology?

The self-concept is an important term for both social and humanistic psychology. Lewis (1990) suggests that the development of a concept of self has two aspects: This is ‘the most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self’ (Bee, 1992).

Why does self-psychology exist?

Self-psychology exists for the sake of helping one reach the point which they do not have to idealize another individual to affirm who they are or overcome certain hurdles which life may present. Alter ego/twinship is another manifestation of transference, although this one is not as outwardly insidious as mirroring or idealizing.

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