What are the types of flood routing?

What are the types of flood routing?


  • 1 Hydraulic (or distributed) routing.
  • 2 Hydrologic (or lumped) routing.
  • 3 Semi-distributed routing.
  • 4 Flood routing.
  • 5 Runoff Routing.
  • 7 References.

What is flow routing in hydrology?

Flow routing connects excess water from precipitation and runoff to the stream to other surface water as part of the hydrological cycle. Simulating flow helps elucidate the transportation of nutrients through a stream system, predict flood events, inform decision makers, and regulate water quality and quantity issues.

What is Muskingum routing method?

The Muskingum method is a hydrological flow routing model with lumped parameters, which describes the transformation of discharge waves in a river bed using two equations. These equations are applied within a river reach between two cross sections of a river.

What are the basic equations used for flood routing?

If we consider some hydrologic system with input I(t), output O(t), and storage S(t), then the equation of continuity in hydrologic routing methods is the following: dt dS I −O = If the inflow hydrograph, I(t) is known, this equation cannot be solved directly to obtain the outflow hydrograph, O(t), because both O and S …

What is Prism and wedge storage?

Prism storage is essentially the storage under the steady-flow water surface profile. Wedge storage is the additional storage under the actual water surface profile. During the falling stages of a flood wave, the wedge storage is negative and subtracted from the prism storage.

What is unit hydrograph method?

Unit hydrograph is a direct runoff hydrograph resulting from one unit (one inch or one cm) of constant intensity uniform rainfall occurring over the entire watershed. The role of unit hydrograph in hydrology is to provide an estimate of direct runoff hydrograph resulting from given excess rainfall hyetograph.

What is reservoir and channel routing?

In these applications two broad categories of routing can be recognized. These are reservoir routing and channel routing. In reservoir routing the effect of a flood wave entering a reservoir is studied. In channel routing the change in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels down a channel is studied.

What does a hydrograph record?

A hydrograph is a graph showing stage, discharge, velocity, or other properties of water flow with respect to time. When the stage is plotted against time, the graph is a stage hydrograph (which is the form of a stream gage record).

What is linear reservoir?

The linear reservoir is a widely used conceptual model of the rainfall–runoff process. The linear reservoir model transforms rainfall excess to direct surface runoff. For example, in open channel hydraulics, a linear system is one that is characterized by a proportionate relationship between water level and flow.

What is Prism storage?

What is hyetograph and hydrograph?

As nouns the difference between hyetograph and hydrograph is that hyetograph is a graphical representation of rainfall over time while hydrograph is a graph of flow past a point in a river versus time.

Why is hydrograph used?

2 The primary purpose of using hydrograph analysis is to ensure a safe design of structural works. Hydrographs are an integral part of SCS procedures in the Water Resources Program. Hydrographs, or some feature of them such as peak discharge are used in the planning and design of water control structures.

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