What are the key concepts in religious education?

What are the key concepts in religious education?

RE encourages pupils to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning. It challenges pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses.

What three factors make up the study of religious education?

Your plans provide opportunities for learners to develop the three interrelated core skills – ‘Engaging with fundamental questions’, ‘Exploring religious beliefs, teachings and practice(s)’ and ‘Expressing personal responses’ through a breadth of religious education contexts, which are identified under the heading …

What does the National Curriculum say about religious education?

Religious Education and the National Curriculum Schools are required to teach RE, but it isn’t part of the National Curriculum; this means that, although they provide guidance on what to teach and the aims of learning about RE, these are non-statutory.

What subjects make up the National Curriculum?

1. The National Curriculum includes a list of compulsory subjects that all students must be taught.

  • English.
  • Maths.
  • Science.
  • Design and technology.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • History.
  • Geography.
  • Art and design.

What are the characteristics of religious education?

In secular usage, religious education is the teaching of a particular religion (although in the United Kingdom the term religious instruction would refer to the teaching of a particular religion, with religious education referring to teaching about religions in general) and its varied aspects: its beliefs, doctrines.

What are dimensions of religion?

According to Smart, a religious framework is composed of seven dimensions: narrative/mythological, doctrinal, ethical, institutional, material, ritual, and experiential (Smart, 1999).

Is religious studies compulsory at GCSE?

The chart below shows that the majority of pupil entries to a GCSE in religious studies are, by our estimates, made because the subject is compulsory at the school they attend. The chart below shows the proportion achieving an EBacc humanity in history or geography.

What level is KS3?

The target level at KS3 is level 5, with the most able achieving a level 8. There are wide variations reported in the levels achieved at this stage. Very few independent schools take key stage 3 tests, most will have assessed the child at 11+ or 13 + via The Common Entrance examination (see below).

Is Religious Studies compulsory at GCSE?

What are characteristics of religion?

Defining the Characteristics of Religion

  • Belief in Supernatural Beings.
  • Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times.
  • Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times.
  • Moral Code With Supernatural Origins.
  • Characteristically Religious Feelings.
  • Prayer and Other Forms of Communication.

What are the 7 characteristics of religion?

What are the 7 characteristics of religion?

  • Belief in Supernatural Beings. …
  • Sacred vs Profane Items, Places, Times. …
  • Ritual Acts Determined By Sacred Things, Places, Times. …
  • Moral Code With Supernatural Origins. …
  • Characteristically Religious Feelings. …
  • Prayer and Other Forms of Communication. …

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