Why did Shawn Michaels never fight The Rock?

Why did Shawn Michaels never fight The Rock?

He said that The Rock had been upset by something Michaels had done when he was younger, and subsequently carried on the animosity in years to come (h/t Ringside News’ Darshan Sheth): “As far as I know, it’s true, from what The Rock told me. It’s the reason why The Rock and Shawn Michaels never worked a match.

Has Shawn Michaels ever faced The Rock?

The Rock never faced Shawn Michaels in a singles match, and many fans have speculated that Michaels holding him back in the late 90s was a major reason why The Great One chose to never have a program with him.

Why did Shawn Michaels superkick The Rock?

The bitterness is said to have started before The Rock’s career even began when he was a teenager growing up in Hawaii. Michaels came to work and reportedly said something derogatory about Rock’s promoter grandmother, Lia Maivia. Later, Michaels landed a superkick on Rock during a segment and caught him on the jaw.

Why did Shawn Michaels quit wrestling?

The Undertaker was victorious again at WrestleMania 26, making Shawn Michaels retire from WWE. This was the kayfabe reason behind Shawn Michaels’ retirement in 2010. However, Michaels had been wrestling for multiple decades, and wanted to spend time with his family, so WWE helped him with that.

Was Shawn Michaels jealous of The Rock?

The bitterness between the two men seemingly started when The Rock was growing up as a teenager in Hawaii and Michaels came to work and reportedly said something derogatory about Rock’s promoter grandmother, Lia Maivia. Later in a segment, Michaels landed a superkick on The Rock and caught him in the jaw.

Is Triple H jealous of The Rock?

While The Rock and Triple H may have grown friendly over time, their bond was initially born out of real-life resentment and envy. Here is the story of their memorable, bitter feud.

Does The Rock like Bret Hart?

“My pleasure, Bret Hart was a mentor to me when he didn’t have to be and in our wild and intense world of pro wrestling, there weren’t many “mentorship programs” back then He gave me guidance and I’ll always be grateful. Congrats my friend on your incredible accomplishment,” wrote The Rock.

Are Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold friends?

8 Loves: Steve Austin Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels are friends, but it was not always that way. However, he later said in an interview with Sports Illustrated that he was always going to drop the gold to The Texas Rattlesnake, but he wanted to “make everybody sweat it and think that I wasn’t going to.”

Did The Rock and Stone Cold friends?

Despite being long-time rivals on-screen, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin are the closest of friends in real life. Although their paths have changed since their days in WWE, they remain close. Two of the most popular Superstars in WWE history faced each other for the first time in 1997.

Is AJ Styles better than Shawn Michaels?

Neither one is better than the other. Shawn and AJ are unique in their own way and they will be talked about 50 years from now. AJ has been called the Shawn Michaels of his generation.

Is Shawn Michaels the goat?

Most of the WWE fans and critics consider Shawn Michaels as a GOAT of professional wrestling. In his over 20 year wrestling career he gave us matches that can be described as some of the best matches in the history of professional wrestling.

Who was Triple H biggest rival?

This is the era that made me believe that The Rock was indeed Triple H’s greatest rival. A promo between the two could last for 10 minutes and still be as entertaining as a match. When they were up against each other you felt the tension because both guys played off the rivalry between each other so well.

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