Who owns the East African newspaper?

Who owns the East African newspaper?

the Nation Media Group
The EastAfrican is a weekly newspaper published in Kenya by the Nation Media Group, which also publishes Kenya’s national Daily Nation.

Which is the most read newspaper in Kenya?

The Daily Nation

Newspaper Location
1 The Daily Nation Nairobi
2 The Standard Nairobi
3 The EastAfrican Nairobi
4 Coastweek Mombasa

Who owns Kenya daily?

Nation Media Group
The newspaper is published by Nation Media Group from its headquarters at Nation Centre on Kimathi Street in Nairobi. It also maintains a website, which hosts online editions of the daily and Sunday titles. Access is partially free and the site’s daily hit rate is more than three million.

Which is the oldest newspaper in Kenya?

The Standard
The Standard is one of the largest newspapers in Kenya with a 48% market share. It is the oldest newspaper in the country and is owned by The Standard Group, which also runs the Kenya Television Network (KTN), Radio Maisha, The Nairobian (a weekly tabloid), KTN News and Standard Digital which is its online platform.

Is the East African reliable?

With the exception of South Sudan and Burundi, which currently have travel advisories due to ongoing conflicts, the majority of East Africa is safe for tourists to visit. (The Institute for Economics and Peace even deems Tanzania safer than the United States.)

How many countries are in East Africa?

9 countries
East Africa is composed of 9 countries, most of which have made progress towards sustainable development.

What is the biggest newspaper in Kenya?

The Daily Nation – www.nation.co.ke It is the most influential newspaper in Kenya with a daily circulation of about 180,000 copies. It is East Africa’s largest newspaper.

How do I download daily nation epaper?

Guide – How to access the Daily Nation E-Newspaper

  1. On this page, to the right, as you scroll down, under “Important Links” click on “e-paper (Nation Media)”.
  2. The e-paper portal will open and you can browse through their selection –

Who owns the nation Kenya?

Aga Khan IV
Nation Media Group (abbreviated as NMG) is a Kenyan media group listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. NMG was founded by Aga Khan IV in 1959 and is the largest private media house in East and Central Africa with offices in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. In 1999, NMG launched NTV, a news channel in Kenya, and Easy FM.

Who is the owner of k24?

Mediamax Network Ltd
K24 TV

Owner Mediamax Network Ltd
Launched 4 February 2008

How much money do newspapers make from circulation each year?

Total estimated circulation revenue was $11.1 billion, compared with $11.0 billion in 2019. This is the first year in our data that circulation revenue has been higher than advertising revenue.

Which newspapers make the top 50 of Aam’s digital circulation list?

It also includes The Washington Post and The New York Times, which make the top 50 even though they do not fully report their digital circulation to AAM. For more details and the full list of newspapers, see our methodology .)

How much revenue did circulation generate in 2019?

This is down 29% from 2019. Total estimated circulation revenue was $11.1 billion, compared with $11.0 billion in 2019. This is the first year in our data that circulation revenue has been higher than advertising revenue.

Where can I find circulation data through 2014?

In this fact sheet, circulation data through 2014 is from Editor & Publisher, which was published on the website of the News Media Alliance (NMA), known at the time as the Newspaper Association of America (NAA).

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