Who is Sylvie laufeydottir?

Who is Sylvie laufeydottir?

Sylvie Laufeydottir, born Loki Laufeydottir, is a variant of Loki Laufeyson. Having escaped the Time Variance Authority ‘s punishment for causing a Nexus event, Sylvie hid through out the timelines, while seeking revenge against the TVA and the Time-Keepers.

Why did Sylvie kill he who remains?

Despite warnings from Loki about the consequences of doing so, Sylvie enacted her revenge and killed He Who Remains, causing the Multiverse to split apart, and Kang the Conqueror to gain power. Loki Laufeydottir was born in one of the many realities that comprised what the Time Variance Authority called the Sacred Timeline.

How good of a character is Sylvie?

Genius-Level Intellect: Sylvie is very intelligent. She was able to figure out if she hid out in apocalyptic events, she wouldn’t cause any nexus events, a feat that was never achieved by the TVA, let alone any of her other variants, until a new variant came along. Master Tactician: Sylvie is an excellent strategist and a very skilled planner.

What did Sylvie do to Hunter Ravonna?

Sylvie played alone in the palace with her toys and action figurines until a Timedoor appeared and Hunter Ravonna Renslayer and two Minutemen grabbed her and arrested her. Time Variance Authority Office: To be added; Roxxcart Mall: Sylvie used the Roxxcart Mall as a place to lay low while hiding from the Time Variance Authority.

What happened to Sylvie in the comics?

Having escaped the Time Variance Authority ‘s punishment for causing a Nexus event, Sylvie hid through out the timelines, while seeking revenge against the TVA and the Time-Keepers. On the cusp of her plan’s success, however, she was interrupted by another Loki Variant, whom she eventually formed an uneasy alliance with.

What did Sylvie do to the timedoor?

Sylvie played alone in the palace with her toys and action figurines until a Timedoor appeared and Hunter Ravonna Renslayer and two Minutemen grabbed her and arrested her.

What powers does Sylvie have?

Power Bestowal: Sylvie can bestow enhanced strength and durability on the people she possesses.

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