Who is cast/HOSDB?

Who is cast/HOSDB?

Who is CAST/HOSDB? (Home Office Body Armor Standard for UK Police) CAST (Center for Applied Science and Technology), also known as HOSDB (Home Office Scientific Development Branch), consists of researchers and engineers who research and develop technological solutions to fight crime.

What is the HOSDB standard?

The HOSDB extended the 1993 standards to incorporate bulletproof vests for the first time. The HOSDB standard of 1993 underwent significant changes, adopting many of the test methods in use today, in which a spike and knife are dropped from a specific height using various levels of energy.

What is Castor?

Faster, smarter medical research Castor is a cloud-based clinical data management platform, enabling researchers to easily capture and integrate data from clinicians, patients, devices, wearables, and EHR systems. Contact us to learn about Castor’s EDC, eConsent, ePRO, eCOA, eSource, and decentralized trial solutions.

What changes have been made to HOSDB?

Major changes to the 1993 HOSDB standard, of which reminds a lot of the test methods used today, where the knife and spike are dropped from a certain height with different energies. The ballistic part was also changed significantly. In 2003 HOSDB introduced the bullet proof level “HG1/A”, with a larger BFS against small arms.

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