Who designed Seattle Public Library?

Who designed Seattle Public Library?

Rem Koolhaas
Joshua Prince-Ramus
Seattle Public Library-Central Library/Architects
May 1999: The Library Board selected architect Rem Koolhaas and Seattle-based LMN Architects to jointly design the new library after 1,700 people attended presentations put on by three finalists.

What is the Seattle Public Library made of?

glass and steel
The Seattle Central Library is the flagship library of the Seattle Public Library system. The 11-story (185 feet or 56.9 meters high) glass and steel building in downtown Seattle, Washington was opened to the public on May 23, 2004.

When was the Seattle Public Library built?

Seattle Public Library/Founded

The Seattle Public Library was established as an official city department in 1890, but its roots in the city date back as far as 1868, just 17 years after the Denny Party settled here in 1851.

How many floors is the Seattle Central Library?

About the Central Library The 11-floor building contains an innovative “Books Spiral,” a 275-seat auditorium, and open spaces where patrons can meet, study, search the web or read.

How many branches does the Seattle Public Library have?

Seattle Public Library

Branches 27
Size 2.3 million items
Access and use
Circulation 10.8 million

How many books are in the Seattle Public Library?

2018 Statistical & Financial Summaries

Books and Materials $7,651,000
Equipment $3,642,000
Maintenance, Security and Utilities $3,200,000
Supplies $672,000
Total $74,977,000

How many branches does Seattle Public Library have?

27 Library locations
We have 27 Library locations in neighborhoods throughout Seattle.

Does Seattle Public Library have parking?

Central Library Parking Motor vehicles: The Central Library has a 143-stall underground parking garage with an entrance on Spring Street between Fourth and Fifth avenues. The garage is operated by ABM Parking Services (206-386-4152).

Who is the director of the Seattle Public Library?

The Seattle Public Library announced that Executive Director and Chief Librarian Marcellus Turner, who has led the Library since 2011, is accepting a new post as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Librarian for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in Charlotte, N.C.

Can I check out books from Seattle Public Library?

Use your Library card to access dozens of online resources and take online classes. Most people who live, work or go to school in King County can get a free Library card….Physical items:

Service or format Checkout period Limit
Books (except Peak Picks) 3 weeks (21 days) 50 physical items at a time

What is the name of the library in Seattle?

Share Page. The Seattle Central Library is the flagship of the Seattle Public Library system. Innovative in both form and function, the contemporary, glass and steel building is the third central library to occupy the city block between Fourth and Fifth Avenues.

How big is Seattle’s new Central Library?

The initiative includes plans to double the square footage in Seattle’s 22 libraries, including the building of new branches – but the icing on the cake is the new $169.2m Central Library at 1,000 Fourth Avenue, designed by Rem Koolhaas’ Netherlands-headquartered Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in joint venture with local LMN Architects.

How much does it cost to run the Seattle Public Library?

Client Seattle Public Library. Budget US $169.2 M. Program Central library for Seattle’s 28-branch library system, including 33,700 sqm of hq, reading room, book spiral, mixing chamber, meeting platform, living room, staff floor, children’s collection, and auditorium, and 4,600 sqm of parking.

What makes the Seattle Public Library’s glass and metal skin unique?

The diagrammatic form of the Seattle Public Library’s glass and metal skin began with the simple concept of wrapping the entire building in a continuous layer of transparency. This layer, with its faceted planes, outlines elevated platforms of program spaces on the exterior while creating a variety of interconnected spaces on the interior.

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