Who commissioned the Imam Mosque in Isfahan Iran?

Who commissioned the Imam Mosque in Isfahan Iran?

Shah Abbas
Imam Mosque was built between 1611 and 1629 as a part of Naqsh-e Jahan Square complex by decision of Shah Abbas. The task for the leading architect of the project, Shaykh Bahai, was to build a mosque that would symbolize the contribution of clergy in the Empire’s power structure.

Why was the mosque of Isfahan built?

Far from being an insular sacred monument, the mosque facilitated public mobility and commercial activity thus transcending its principal function as a place for prayer alone. The mosque’s core structure dates primarily from the 11th century when the Seljuq Turks established Isfahan as their capital.

When was Isfahan mosque built?

Great Mosque of Eṣfahān, Persian Masjed-e Jāmeʿ (“Universal Mosque”), complex of buildings in Eṣfahān, Iran, that centres on the 11th-century domed sanctuary and includes a second smaller domed chamber, built in 1088, known for its beauty of proportion and design.

What is the Shah mosque made of?

All the walls are ornamented with seven-color mosaic tile. The most magnificent iwan of the mosque is the one facing the Qibla measuring 33 m (108 ft) high. Behind this iwan is a space which is roofed with the largest dome in the city at 53 m (174 ft) height. The dome is double layered.

Who built Isfahan?

Toghril Beg
The city walls of Isfahan are thought to have been constructed during the reign of the Buyid amirs during the tenth century. The Turkish conqueror and founder of the Seljuq dynasty, Toghril Beg, made Isfahan the capital of his domains in the mid-11th century; but it was under his grandson Malik-Shah I (r.

Who built Shah Mosque?

Baha’ al-din al-‘Amili
Ali Akbar IsfahaniUstad Ali Akbar IsfahaniUstad Shoja IsfahaniUstad Fereydun Naini
Abbasi Great Mosque/Architects

Who built the Imam Mosque?

Where is Isfahan now?

western Iran
Eṣfahān, also spelled Isfahan, capital of Eṣfahān province and major city of western Iran. Eṣfahān is situated on the north bank of the Zāyandeh River at an elevation of about 5,200 feet (1,600 metres), roughly 210 miles (340 km) south of the capital city of Tehrān.

Why was Shah mosque built?

This mosque which , was built on the south side of Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Safavid dynasty(1500-1700) by Abbas I of Persia was built with the goal of centering political, religious, economic, and cultural activities. …

Who built Esfahan?

Shah Abbas I the Great
Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century, and bordered on all sides by monumental buildings linked by a series of two-storeyed arcades, the site is known for the Royal Mosque, the Mosque of Sheykh Lotfollah, the magnificent Portico of Qaysariyyeh and the 15th-century Timurid palace.

Where is Sultan Malik Shah buried?

Tomb of Nizam al-Mulk, Isfahan, Iran
Malik-Shah I/Place of burial

Who killed sultan Malik-Shah?

caliph al-Muqtadi
Malik-Shah’s death to this day remains under dispute; according to some scholars, he was poisoned by Abbasid caliph al-Muqtadi, while others say that he was poisoned by the supporters of Nizam al-Mulk.

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