Who authorizes charter schools in Pennsylvania?

Who authorizes charter schools in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania law provides the following potential authorizers: local school boards, two or more local school boards for regional charters, and the state department of education for virtual charter schools.

Is PA Cyber charter school accredited?

PA Cyber is a tuition-free public school chartered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which approves our curriculum. We are one of only two cyber charter schools accredited by the prestigious Middle States Association.

How many charter schools are there in PA?

How many charter schools are there in Pennsylvania? There were 163 brick-and-mortar charter schools and 14 cyber charter schools operating in Pennsylvania during the 2020-21 school year educating more than 169,000 students.

How do charter schools work in PA?

A charter school is an independently operated public school. Charter schools do not charge students tuition – they receive the majority of funding from their students’ resident school districts. For more information on charter school funding, review Section 1725-A of the Pennsylvania Public School Code.

Do PA charter school teachers have to be certified?

Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law requires that at least 75 percent of a charter school’s professional staff hold appropriate state certification.

What is the difference between public school and charter school?

The difference between charter schools and public schools in terms of flexibility is, charter schools are run by a private board and public schools are run by the state board of education. Charter schools are not strictly regulated; public schools are run with a rigid curriculum.

How much does PA Cyber charter school cost?

As a public school, PA Cyber is open for enrollment by any school-age child residing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and does not charge tuition to students or families.

Is Agora Cyber Charter school accredited?

Agora is officially accredited! Click here to read all about it. Check out Dr. Jensen’s interview on Good Day PA!

Can you live in one school district and go to another in PA?

In Pennsylvania, the state allows each district decides to set its own open enrollment policies. Pennsylvania parents wanting to transfer their child to a different public school than the one they are assigned should contact their local school district.

What happened to cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania cyber charter schools boomed in the pandemic. Why that’s crushing taxpayers The list of problems worsened by the pandemic is long. It swamped our antiquated and fraud-susceptible unemployment system. It burned out workers in already understaffed hospitals and nursing homes.

What is the Basic Education circular for charter schools in Pennsylvania?

This Basic Education Circular (BEC) provides a general overview of Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law (CSL), 24 P.S. §§ 17-1701-A – 17-1751-A, and serves as a guide for school districts, charter schools, parents, students, and other interested individuals on the authorization and establishment, operation, oversight, and closure of a charter school.

What are the ethics laws for charter schools in Pennsylvania?

School District of Philadelphia, 166 A.3d 304 (Pa. 2017). Charter school boards of trustees are subject to the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act, 65 Pa.C.S. §§ 1101-1113, the Child Protective Services Law, 23 Pa.C.S.§§ 6301 – 6386, the Right to Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67.101 – 67.3104, and the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.C.S. §§ 701-716.

What are some court cases involving charter schools in Pennsylvania?

Discovery Charter School v. School District of Philadelphia, 166 A.3d 304 (Pa. 2017) Fairfield Area School District v. National Organization for Children, Inc ., 837 A.2d 644 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2003) McKeesport Area School District v. Propel Charter School, 888 A.2d 912 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2005)

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