Who are the white-clad?

Who are the white-clad?

The White-Clad (白頭巾, Shiro Zukin), identified early on as the White Hoods, are a cult organization that is led by the Evangelist. Using the Bugs to create artificial Infernals, they sought the Eight Pillars whom possess the Adolla Burst, to achieve their ultimate goal of re-creating the Great Cataclysm.

Who is the strongest white-clad?

Fire Force: The 10 Strongest Members Of The White-Clad, Ranked

  • 7 Orochi’s Whips Are Lethal & Extremely Fast.
  • 8 Ritsu Has Vast Potential But Is Limited By Her Reagent Requirement.
  • 9 Iron Is An Imposing Brute With Exploitable Weaknesses.
  • 10 Arrow Has An Extraordinary Ranged Projectile But Little Else.

What is white-clad in Fire Force?

The White-Clad (白頭巾 Shiro Zukin in Japanese) is the main antagonistic organization in Fire Force. They are a cult serving the Evangelist, who are responsible for the creation of the Infernals, as a result of them using the Bugs to search for the eight Pillars, whose combined powers will recreate the Great Cataclysm.

Who is the leader of white-clad?

The Evangelist
The Evangelist (伝道者, Dendōsha) is the leader of the White-Clad….Evangelist.

Evangelist Edit
Status Active
Relative(s) Mari Kusakabe (Doppelgänger)
Professional Status
Affiliation White-Clad

What does white-clad mean?

wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination. “nurses clad in white” “white- clad nurses” synonyms: clothed adorned, decorated. provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction.

Why did Leonard Burns join white-clad?

After the Tokyo empire sends a summon for Burns’. he has Li, Flam and Onyango escort him to the The Holy Sol Temple – Holy See. Meeting with Raffles III, he tells Burns’ the empire must unite with the White-Clad for the sake of the empire and Sun God, during which Haumea and other White Clads joined them.

Is Kurono as strong as benimaru?

Despite his appearance, Kurono is more then strong enough to lift a fully-grown person one-handed and is a very capable swimmer. His overall skill and power is stated to be equal to that of Benimaru Shinmon and he could easily make a name for himself in the field.

Why did Leonard Burns join white clad?

Does Inca leave the white-clad?

Ōbi’s Rescue arc She later attacks company 8 and watches in surprise as Benimaru arrives to save them. being shocked when he is able to dodge her ability. She then retreats with the White-Clad.

Who is Shinra’s love interest?

Maki Oze. Shinra has come to see Maki as an older sister figure and strong comrade and friend he respects. He also finds her attractive as he blushed when they first met when she explained how she altered his cloths to better use his abilities.

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