Where is footer in OpenCart?

Where is footer in OpenCart?

Go to catalog/language/english /common/footer.

How edit about us in OpenCart?

Start by going to Catalog > Information. You will see 4 fields – About Us, Delivery Information, Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions. Click on Edit next to About Us. This is the field where you create and edit the About page in your OpenCart website.

How do I edit a contact in OpenCart 3?

OpenCart 1.5. x. How to edit Contact us page.

  1. Access OpenCart administration panel.
  2. Edit info section of Contact us page and save the changes.
  3. To edit the map location we should edit contact us page file.
  4. Click ‘Customize and preview embedded map’ to fine tune your map.

How do I change powered by OpenCart in admin panel?

All you need to do is go to the admin and click on Support & Settings/Settings and select Hide ‘Powered By’ message to No and click on Save.

How do I change the footer in OpenCart?

Edit Footer Information:

  1. Log into your OpenCart Dashboard.
  2. Go to Catalog > Information.
  3. Now you’ll see a list of the default pages. Select the page you wish to edit by checking the box next to it and click the “Edit” link in the far right.

How do I change my OpenCart homepage code?

Re: Change Homepage Code You have to edit the file catalog/view/theme/yourtheme/template/common/footer. tpl . Where your theme stands for the name of the template you use. There you will be able to add another line to the column you want.

What is Information module in OpenCart?

Shows the HTML content of an Information page inside a module, so you can display it anywhere on your Opencart site.

Where is about us page in OpenCart?

Navigate to your admin panel and then click on Catalog > Information. You will see the 4 predefined pages that come with the default OpenCart installation: About Us.

How do I change the footer in OpenCart 3?

Can I remove powered by OpenCart?

How do I edit my OpenCart?

How to edit default OpenCart 2 pages

  1. Under the Information page list you will find all default pages of your OpenCart 2 store.
  2. Via the edit page you can modify your page Title, Description and SEO data.
  3. Via the design tab of your page settings you can select a custom layout for your page.

How do I add something to my homepage in OpenCart 3?

In your Opencart admin panel go to the Extensions ➜ Extensions section and choose the Modules in the drop-down menu. Select the Featured ➜ Featured home module for editing. Search for the product name in the Product field, and select the product list to set it as Featured products. Save the changes you made.

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