Where do chop residents live?

Where do chop residents live?

Center City Philadelphia
Most single residents live in Center City Philadelphia, which is a safe, affordable area within walking distance of CHOP. Center City is also home to excellent restaurants and shopping.

How long is child neuro residency?

Child neurologists are specially trained physicians who have followed up their four-year medical school education with a five-year post-graduate training regimen consisting of two years training in pediatrics, one year in general neurology, and two years in pediatric neurology.

What happens at a pediatric neurologist appointment?

The first clinic visit can take up to an hour . You and your child will meet with a pediatric neurologist — a specialist in treating children’s brain and nervous system conditions. The neurologist will examine your child, ask questions about his or her symptoms and go over any test results.

What is neurology team?

Neurologists are specialists who treat diseases of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Neurological conditions include epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease. Dr.

Does chop have a residency program?

The Pediatrics Residency Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the keystone of our educational programs and patient care system. The Pediatrics Residency Program at CHOP is balanced, flexible and supportive, and offers: Primary, general and subspecialty education.

Why did you choose pediatric residency?

“There are a bunch of very academically motivated, driven, passionate people who are in pediatrics because it’s worthwhile and meaningful work for them. It’s also an incredibly supportive professional community. Supportive of women, and supportive of work-life balance to the degree that medicine will allow.

Is child neurology its own residency?

Prerequisites for training in child neurology consist of 2 years of residency training in pediatrics, 1 year of residency training in general internal medicine and 1 year of residency training in pediatrics or 1 year of pediatrics plus 1 year of basic neuroscience (for example, PhD) training.

Is Pediatric Neurology a residency or fellowship?

Pediatric Neurology residents are required to have at least two years of ACGME approved training in pediatrics, or one year of pediatrics residency training if they complete an additional year of basic neuroscience training during their residency.

Why would a kid see a neurologist?

Child neurologists often diagnose, treat, and manage the following conditions: Seizures and epilepsy. Muscle problems which may cause weakness, such as: muscular dystrophy or neuropathy. Headaches, including migraines and concussions.

What is the chop leukodystrophy center?

The Leukodystrophy Center at CHOP provides comprehensive clinical care, diagnostic testing, and the most advanced treatments available to infants, children and adolescents with inherited white matter diseases.

Why children’s hospital of Philadelphia for Neurology?

The Division of Neurology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is a world leader in pediatric neurologic disorders. Our neurologists have advanced training and experience in pediatric stroke, epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders, sleep disorders, developmental delay, neurogenetic disorders, multiple sclerosis and neonatal neurology.

What is the Pediatric Stroke Program at Chop?

The Pediatric Stroke Program at CHOP provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for children and infants who suffer from strokes. The program is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of neurologists, neurology fellows and residents, neurosurgeons, a nurse, a social worker, and other healthcare professionals.

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