What Union soldiers did to the property of Dolly Sumner Lunt?

What Union soldiers did to the property of Dolly Sumner Lunt?

Despite Lunt’s efforts to hide her valuable possessions, which include sending her mules into the woods, dividing her stores of meat among the slaves, and burying the silver, the passing Union troops raid her house and plantation and take her slaves with them.

What happened to the slaves at the Lunt plantation Once Union soldiers arrived?

They even ransacked the slave cabins, but the officer allowed Dolly to bring the remaining possessions of the slaves into her house. The soldiers set fire to some cotton bales in her carriage house, but the flames burned out before they spread.

Who is the author of mrs Burges Journal?

Dolly Lunt
Dolly Lunt Burge, 1817-1891.

Do you believe Sherman’s March was justified?

Sherman’s march was justified because he was able to feed his troops while denying the enemy food and supplies. And even though this showed the hardness of war, it was done without physically harming civilians like Dolly Sumner Lunt.

Why was Sherman’s march controversial?

Sherman’s march frightened and appalled Southerners. It hurt morale, for civilians had believed the Confederacy could protect the home front. Sherman had terrorized the countryside; his men had destroyed all sources of food and forage and had left behind a hungry and demoralized people.

Where is Sherman November 22?

Governor Brown and family left them mansion too and headed south for Montezuma, Georgia before the arrival of Sherman’s men. The first of Sherman’s troops entered Milledgeville on November 22, 1864. In total, Sherman brought 30,000 Union troops to the capital.

How many slaves followed Sherman during his march to the sea?

An unintended consequence of his scorched-earth policy was that all manner of freed slaves — including women, children and the elderly — abandoned the plantations and fell in behind him. More than 10,000 black refugees followed Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Why did the South lose the Civil War?

The most convincing ‘internal’ factor behind southern defeat was the very institution that prompted secession: slavery. Enslaved people fled to join the Union army, depriving the South of labour and strengthening the North by more than 100,000 soldiers. But the North had to be prepared to pay the high price of victory.

Who were the Copperheads during the Civil War?

Copperhead, also called Peace Democrat, during the American Civil War, pejoratively, any citizen in the North who opposed the war policy and advocated restoration of the Union through a negotiated settlement with the South.

Why did Sherman not burn Charleston?

Some later speculated Sherman had a soft spot in his heart for the city. He spent four years here in the 1840s, stationed at Fort Moultrie, and by most accounts enjoyed his time. Some said he had a girlfriend here, and that’s why he spared us the torch. As usual, it was all about Charleston.

What city did Sherman not burn?

William Tecumseh Sherman chose not to burn down the city of Savannah. Sherman sought approval from Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, then in command of all Union armies, and President Abraham Lincoln for his plan to march his army of 60,000-62,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savannah.

What towns did Sherman burn?

He torched Atlanta. He orchestrated the fiery March to the Sea from Atlanta to Savannah. And he burned Columbia.

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