What should my PTR record be?

What should my PTR record be?

An A record should exist for every PTR record. The usage of a reverse DNS setup for a mail server is a good solution. While in the domain DNS zone the hostname is pointed to an IP address, using the reverse zone allows to point an IP address to a hostname.

How do I get a PTR record?

To create a PTR Record, complete the following:

  1. From the Cloud Services Portal, click Manage -> DNS -> Zones.
  2. Click the DNS view.
  3. Click the zone.
  4. Click Create -> Record and select PTR Record from the drop-down list.
  5. On the Create PTR Record page, select or specify the following:
  6. Click Save & Close to save.

What are PTR records in DNS?

A pointer (PTR) record resolves an IP address (made up of numbers and decimals) into a domain name (such as okta.com). The act of translating an IP address into a domain name is known as a reverse lookup in the Domain Name System (DNS).

What is the purpose of PTR records?

A PTR (or Pointer) record is a security tool. Essentially, when you receive an email, your mail server uses the PTR record that comes in with the email message to check that the mail server sending the email matches the IP address that it claims to be using. This is also known as “reverse DNS lookup”.

What is the difference between an A record and a PTR record?

A pointer (PTR) record is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that resolves an IP address to a domain or host name, unlike an A record which points a domain name to an IP address.

Where are PTR records stored?

PTR records are not stored within your domain zonefile, they are stored in a zonefile usually managed by your service provider or network provider. Some service providers provide an interface where you can create the PTR record yourself, others require you to submit a support request to create or change the PTR record.

What is PTR record example?

While DNS A records are stored under the given domain name, DNS PTR records are stored under the IP address — reversed, and with “. For example, the PTR record for the IP address 192.0. 2.255 would be stored under “”. “in-addr.arpa” has to be added because PTR records are stored within the .

What is AAA record in DNS?

An AAAA Record (quad A Record) is another type of DNS Record that points a domain or subdomain to an IPv6 address, so that when someone types that domain or subdomain in the address bar, the browser knows where to go.

What is A record DNS server?

What is a DNS record? DNS records (aka zone files) are instructions that live in authoritative DNS servers and provide information about a domain including what IP address is associated with that domain and how to handle requests for that domain.

What does a PTR record look like?

While DNS A records are stored under the given domain name, DNS PTR records are stored under the IP address — reversed, and with “. in-addr.arpa” added. For example, the PTR record for the IP address 192.0. 2.255 would be stored under “”.

What is a PTR record in reverse DNS?

PTR records (short for Pointer Records) are used to perform a Reverse DNS lookup. As you probably know, DNS (Domain Name System) is sort of a phonebook for the Internet. It stores an enormous amount of information about millions of registered domains. To access its (virtual) pages, you need to perform a DNS lookup of a given domain.

How do I set up a PTR record for a domain name?

Add a new PTR record and for the name, enter the final digit of the IP address that you’re setting up the reverse record for. In our example, 100. For the Canonical Hostname, enter the domain name you’d like the IP address to resolve to, for instance mailserver.example.com.

What is a PTR record lookup?

PTR Record Lookup whatsmydns.net PTR Record Lookup tool lets you query DNS servers and get instant results. Reverse DNS or PTR record lookups are used to determine the PTR records associated with a domain. Looking for easier to understand results?

What does PTR stand for?

A DNS pointer record (PTR for short) provides the domain name associated with an IP address. A DNS PTR record is exactly the opposite of the ‘A’ record, which provides the IP address associated with a domain name. DNS PTR records are used in reverse DNS lookups. When a user attempts to reach a domain name in their browser, a DNS lookup occurs

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