What position does Nyx Assassin play?

What position does Nyx Assassin play?

Nyx Assassin is best played as a roamer or a solo offlaner in order to maximize his effectiveness. As an offlaner, Nyx Assassin can take advantage of his innately high base HP regen to survive enemy harassment, and has Spiked Carapace at his disposal to deflect enemy magic nukes back at their casters.

When should I play Nyx Assassin?

The timing is extremely close, you have to nyx the spell at ~59s. Mana Burn does more raw damage on INT heroes, but mana is a much more expensive resource on STR and AGI heroes.

Is Nyx Assassin a good hero?

Nyx Assassin, is a melee agility hero who is feared as one of the most effective gankers and solo-killers in the game….Nyx Assassin.

L0 Base Hero Values
L15 ⤷ + Attribute Gain
L25 ⤷ + 6 levels of Attribute Bonus
L30 ⤷ + 7 levels of Attribute Bonus
All values shown are without talent bonuses.

How do you play NYX support?

In order to get levels as a nyx assasin support you have to pull and get lots of kills. Nyx is great in a lane because of his stun, his nuke through mana burn and defensive ability through spiked carapace. You want to get to level 6 as fast as possible. Once you hit level six this is when the mid game starts.

What animal is Nyx Assassin?

Physiology. Already unique to his own species, whose telepathic abilties render them unique amongst every creature in the seven planes, the Nyx Assassin emerged from his metamorphosis as a powerful arachnid with sharp mandibles, blade-like claws, and a consciousness whose thoughts are as penetrating as its appendages.

Who does Nyx Assassin counter?

Nyx AssassinCounters

Hero Dis. Matches Played
Templar Assassin 1.95% 27,640
Juggernaut 1.82% 74,027
Broodmother 1.68% 5,450
Kunkka 1.57% 39,477

What Lane is Nyx Assassin?

Nyx AssassinMelee, Disabler, Escape, Initiator, Nuker

Lane Presence KDA Ratio
Off Lane 69.84% 2.52
Safe Lane 15.93% 2.38
Mid Lane 8.81% 2.86

What hero counters Nyx?

Blade Fury completely counters all of Nyx Assassin’s abilities except Vendetta, and does not allow him to disengage with Spiked Carapace. Omnislash makes quick work of Nyx Assassin, and Spiked Carapace offers no protection at all.

Does Nyx assassin reflect damage?

Nyx Assassin still receives the cast buff normally, which can still reflect damage and stun enemies. However, the buff does not affect enemy units which have been hit by the stun upon cast. They can normally damage Nyx. Nyx Assassin buries himself beneath the battlefield over a short duration.

What is the best base HP for a Nyx assassin?

Nyx Assassin has one of the highest base hp regens in the game at 2.5. The extra 2 hp regen allows you to really abuse this, making it unlikely that you’ll ever have to go back to the fountain in the early game. More time in lane means more farm, more experience, and more opportunities for your enemies to make mistakes.

Is Nyx assassin a grub?

Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself.

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