What is wrong with a Little Free Library?

What is wrong with a Little Free Library?

“Rather than promote literacy or building communities, Little Free Libraries (LFLs) introduce a host of problems including stealing patronage from existing public library branches, the corporatization of literary circulation, and helping to gentrify urban neighborhoods.”

What are the little neighborhood libraries called?

mini-town squares
There is an understanding that real people are sharing their favorite books with their community; little libraries have been called “mini-town squares.”

Does anyone use Little Free Libraries?

He says there are more than 60,000 Little Free Libraries registered worldwide—up from 50,000 last year—with 90% of them located in the United States.

How do little lending libraries work?

A Little Free Library is a free book-sharing box where anyone may take a book or share a book. They function on the honor system. You do not need to share a book in order to take one. If you take a book or two from a little library, try to bring some to share to that same library, or another in your area, when you can.

Are Little Free Libraries successful?

As of last year, Little Free Libraries—those birdhouse-looking book-stops that pop up in people’s front yards—were represented in every U.S. state. Little Free Library has now touched down in more than 70 other countries. These book exchanges are now 50,000 strong and growing.

What is a community book box?

All over America, people have put small “give one, take one” book exchanges in front of their homes. The idea is simple: A book lover puts a box or shelf or crate of books in their front yard. Neighbors browse, take one, and return later with a replacement.

Why are Little Free Libraries important?

Supporting Literacy: Little Free Library book-sharing boxes improve book access and thus help tackle low literacy rates. By providing books all year ’round, they can mitigate the “summer slide” where kids’ reading skills slip.

Can I Mount my library to a 4×4 post?

Your library will arrive with all the brackets and screws required to mount it to a 4×4 post. The 4×4 post is not included, since they would double the shipping price. A post can normally be purchased locally for less than $10. You will need a screwdriver and a small bottle of exterior wood glue to complete the installation. Currently unavailable.

Who is responsible for maintaining the library?

A homeowner or another local steward, like the one shown here, takes ownership of the library, making sure it’s in good shape and that book materials are appropriate for the neighborhood.

What are the dimensions of the library?

-The book area is approximately 14 1/2″ wide and 10″ deep and 19″ tall. -The opening at the door is approx 12″ x 14″. -A adjustable and removable shelf is installed inside to allow you to customize the library to fit your books. Your library will arrive with all the brackets and screws required to mount it to a 4×4 post.

What is the Little Free Library doing for your community?

Bol is most proud of the way Little Free Library is bringing communities together. “It’s started a neighborhood exchange. It gets people talking and more comfortable with their neighbors,” he says. “This leads to them helping each other.”

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