What is the summary of around the world in 80 days?

What is the summary of around the world in 80 days?

Lesson Summary The story follows two travelers that grow to a trio and then a foursome as they fight their way through countless obstacles to reach home. The main characters are Phileas Foggwho is trying to win a bet that he made with the Reform Club that he can travel around the world in 80 days.

What happens in chapter 4 of around the world in 80 days?

Fogg finishes his game of whist and won twenty guineas from his friends. He decides it is time to return to his home in Saville Row to collect his things and his manservant, Passepartout. Fogg informs him that they are leaving immediately on a voyage around the world in eighty days. …

What happened in Chapter 5 of around the world in 80 days?

Phileas Fogg rightly suspected that his departure from London would create a lively sensation. The news of the bet spread through the Reform Club, and got into the papers throughout England. Those who did not support him declared, that the tour of the world could be made, but only theoretically. …

What happens in chapter 29 of around the world in 80 days?

By Jules Verne Fogg and the Colonel try to decide when and where to duel. Phileas wants a six-month appointment, but the Colonel says he wants to do his dueling here and now. They decide all sophisticated-like that the duel should take place at the next train stop, with Fix acting as Phileas’s second.

What happens to Aouda at the end of the lesson?

Afterward, Aouda offers to end the engagement since the original motivation has been removed. However, Fogg, deeply in love and grateful for all Aouda is and has done for him, will not hear of it and they are happily married with Passepartout given the honor of giving her away at the wedding.

What is the conclusion of the novel Around the World in 80 Days?

Fate saves Phileas Fogg at the end of the novel, and this is the point Jules Verne has been waiting to drive home the whole time. For a man who calculates every single second of his existence and purports to foresee all that is to occur, Phileas Fogg totally misses the mark on everything that happens in the ending.

What did Phileas Fogg do that was out of character in Chapter 4?

In which Phileas Fogg astounds Passepartout, his servant Phileas finishes his whist game, winning twenty guineas in the process, and then he heads back home. Passepartout is pretty amazed that his obsessively on time master shows up at home several hours early.

Why did Passepartout not answer his master’s call?

Passepartout had studied his master’s timetable carefully and so was very surprised to see him home early. Fogg repaired to his bedroom, and called out, “Passepartout!” Passepartout did not reply. It could not be he who was called; it was not the right hour.

Why did Fogg accept the wager?

Phileas Fogg has the opportunity to double his fortune. But he accepts the wager to preserve his honour and prove his worth. He wants to show the members of the Reform Club that he can do anything he sets out to do. He spends nearly all of his money along the way, proving that money is not what he is truly after.

What happened when Fogg and Colonel Proctor met?

Fogg and his partners were busy with cards, when suddenly Colonel Proctor is among them. He is rude and sarcastic to Fogg and there is a war of words. Fogg and the Colonel decide to duel with each other and Fogg wants to arrange for a meeting six months hence.

Who attacks the train in America in the book Around the World in 80 Days?

In Nebraska the train is attacked by a band of Sioux, who are on the point of winning the battle when Passepartout succeeds in uncoupling the train from its engine outside Fort Kearny, and the soldiers garrisoned there frighten the Sioux into leaving. However, the Sioux capture Passepartout and two other passengers.

What did Fogg gain out of the journey around the world?

Verne tells us in the end that Fogg had won something more important than money, by traveling around the world. He had won a charming woman, who made him the happiest of men. This is the last chapter of the novel about a journey around the world. We are told how Fogg managed to reach the Club on time.

What is the plot of around the world in Eighty Days?

Chapter 1 Around the World in Eighty Days tells the story of Phileas Fogg, an Englishman living in the Victorian Era who bets £20,000 that he can circle the globe in exactly eighty days.

Can You circumnavigate the world in 80 days?

Jules Verne’s title, Around the World in Eighty Days, establishes an atmosphere of conflict from the very beginning. It is 1872 and the thought of circumnavigating the globe in that period of time would seem at best a longshot and to most an impossibility.

Who is Jean Passepartout in Around the World in 80 Days?

He hires a new servant named Jean Passepartout, a Frenchman who hopes that working in a domestic setting will be a relaxing change from his formerly adventurous life. Around the World in Eighty Days takes place in 1872, just after the Industrial Revolution.

Is an eighty-day journey around the world possible?

His thought that an eighty-day journey around the world was possible was prompted by an article in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that pointed to a new railway in India that would make the trip possible.

What is the summary of Around the World in 80 Days?

What is the summary of Around the World in 80 Days?

Lesson Summary The story follows two travelers that grow to a trio and then a foursome as they fight their way through countless obstacles to reach home. The main characters are Phileas Foggwho is trying to win a bet that he made with the Reform Club that he can travel around the world in 80 days.

What is the moral of the story around the world in 80 days?

At the end, Verne seems to be putting across a moral lesson-that challenges are not as important as finding true, abiding love and affection. Verne says that the heroic Fogg would not have attained as much from worldly accomplishments, as he does from finding lasting love with the charming Aouda.

How does Around the World in 80 Days End?

By Jules Verne The ending of the novel goes from warp speed to ludicrous speed in just three chapters: Sad Face: Phileas Fogg is in jail. He’s been wrongfully accused of bank robbery, and then he literally misses the train to winning his bet. Happy Face: Aouda tells Fogg she loves him and wants to marry him.

Is Around the World in 80 Days science fiction?

Here’s where things get interesting: Around the World in Eighty Days, arguably Verne’s most famous novel, isn’t sci-fi. Instead, when Verne published the book in 1873, he let loose one of the most famous literary explorers of all time—Phileas Fogg.

Was Passepartout black in the book?

Fogg’s valet, Passepartout, is a black man, played by a French-Malian actor, Ibrahim Koma. The third member of the travelling band, Fix, a detective in the book, is here turned into a woman Abigail “Fix” Fortescue (Leonie Benesch), and a hack to boot, a spirited Telegraph journalist assigned to cover Fogg’s mission.

How does Detective Fix add to the excitement of the main plot of the novel?

Detective Fix is an inspector from the Scotland Yard who suspects Phileas Fogg of robbing the Bank of England. Fix manipulates Passepartout by pretending to be his friend in an attempt to gain information about Fogg and delay their travels, and eventually confesses his true identity and motivations to him.

Why did Phileas Fogg go around the world in 80 days?

The story describes Phileas Fogg of London and his French valet Jean Passepartout circumnavigating the world in 80 days in an effort to win a £20,000 wager—a small fortune in that era.

What happens to Aouda at the end of the book?

Throughout the rest of their travels, Aouda feels indebted to her companions for saving her and gradually falls in love with Fogg. At the end of the novel, she returns to London with Fogg and asks him to marry her despite the fact that they believe he has lost the wager, and thus, his entire fortune.

What drug did Passepartout give Fogg?

When Passepartout refuses, Fix drugs him with opium, preventing him from returning to Fogg. As a result, Fogg misses the steamer. However, he finds another ship that will take them to Shanghai, and he, Aouda, and Fix set sail.

What happened to Aouda at the end of the book *?

How did Fogg rescue Aouda?

In Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, Phileas Fogg and his companions rescue Mrs. Aouda by scaring off the priests who were forcing Aouda…

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