What is the shape of Yersinia enterocolitica?

What is the shape of Yersinia enterocolitica?

Yersinia enterocolitica is a gram-negative bacillus shaped bacterium that causes a zoonotic disease called yersiniosis.

Where is Yersinia enterocolitica located?

Y. enterocolitica is found in wild and domestic animals, especially pigs. It can also be found in birds, reptiles, rodents, rabbits, sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, and cats.

Where does Yersinia enterocolitica come from?

The most common source of Y. enterocolitica infection in humans is pork (raw or undercooked) and pigs are considered the main carrier. Other strains of Yersinia are also found in many other animals including rodents, rabbits, sheep, cattle, horses, dogs and cats.

What does Yersinia pestis look like?

Yersinia pestis is a nonmotile, slow-growing, facultative organism classified in the family Enterobacteriaceae. It appears as plump, gram-negative coccobacilli that are seen mostly as single cells or pairs, which may exhibit bipolar staining from a direct specimen if stained with Wright stains.

How is Yersinia enterocolitica?

Yersiniosis is an infection caused most often by eating raw or undercooked pork contaminated with Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria. CDC estimates Y. enterocolitica causes almost 117,000 illnesses, 640 hospitalizations, and 35 deaths in the United States every year.

How does Yersinia enterocolitica move?

Results from this study show that the gastrointestinal pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica can migrate over and colonize surfaces by swarming motility, a form of cooperative multicellular behavior.

What does Yersinia enterocolitica do to your body?

When a Y enterocolitica infection is present, it not only causes an inflamed small intestine and colon, but also symptoms such as diarrhea and a fever. A child with this infection may have stools that contain blood and mucus. These symptoms may last for 1 to 3 weeks, sometimes longer.

How does yersiniosis spread in the body?

How is yersiniosis spread? Yersinia bacteria are spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water or by contact with an infected person or animal.

How is Yersinia enterocolitica transmitted?

Although Yersinia enterocolitica is usually transmitted through contaminated food and untreated water, occasional transmission such as human-to-human, animal-to-human and blood transfusion associated transmission have also identified in human disease.

What is bipolar staining Yersinia?

A. Yersinia pestis is a nonmotile, slow-growing, facultative organism classified in the family Enterobacteriaceae. It appears as plump, gram-negative coccobacilli that are seen mostly as single cells or pairs, which may exhibit bipolar staining from a direct specimen if stained with Wright’s or Giemsa stains.

What bacteria shows safety pin appearance?

Wayson stain showing the characteristic “safety pin” appearance of Yersinia pestis, the plague bacillus.

How can Yersinia spread?

Yersinia bacteria are spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water or by contact with an infected person or animal.

¿Qué son los antibióticos para la Yersinia enterocolitica?

No existe un antibiótico de elección para el tratamiento de la yersinia enterocolitica. Actualmente se están empleando los siguientes antibióticos: aminoglucósidos, doxiciclina, trimetroprim-sulfametoxazol y ciprofloxacino.

¿Qué características tiene la Yersinia?

Algunas de las características de la Yersinia dependen de la temperatura; así, es móvil por debajo de 30°C pero inmóvil a temperaturas superiores, gracias a sus flagelos; como otros psicrótrofos, es capaz de crecer a temperaturas de refrigeración, pero con lentitud. Es termosensible, si bien hay variaciones entre especies.

¿Qué es una bacteria enterocolitica?

Colonias de Yersinia enterocolitica creciendo en una placa de agar XLD. Yersinia enterocolitica es una bacteria de la familia Yersiniaceae, género Yersinia. Es un cocobacilo gramnegativo con bordes redondeados, no esporulado, capaz de crecer dentro de una amplia escala de temperaturas (desde -1 °C hasta +40 °C).

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