What is the postal code of Philippines?

What is the postal code of Philippines?


ZIP Code Area Province or city
1000 Manila Central Post Office Manila
1001 Quiapo Manila
1002 Intramuros Manila
1003 Santa Cruz (South) Manila

What is PO Box number of Philippines?

Philippines – postal codes

Place Country
28 Manila CPO-PO Box# 2700 to 2799 Philippines
29 Manila CPO-PO Box# 2800 to 2899 Philippines

Is postal code and zip code the same in the Philippines?

They are postal codes which are used by the postal department or courier companies in automated sorting of the piece of mail and quick delivery. A zip code serves the same purpose as a postal code and is used by countries like the United States and the Philippines.

What is postal code of Pangasinan?

Pangasinan ZIP Codes, Postal Codes, and Phone Area Codes

Location ZIP Code/Postal Code Phone Area Code
Calasiao 2418 75
Dagupan City 2400 75
Dasol 2411 75
Infanta 2412 75

What is postal code in Legazpi?

Albay ZIP Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Legaspi City 4500 52
Libon 4507 52
Ligao 4504 52
Malilipot 4510 52

What is zip code in Naga City?

Location Zip Code
Naga City 4400
Ocampo 4419
Pamplona 4416
Pasacao 4417

What is the postal code of Delfin Albano Isabela?

Delfin Albano (Magsaysay), Isabela, Cagayan Valley (Region II): 3326. Delfin Albano (Magsaysay) is located in Cagayan Valley (Region II), Isabela. Its zip code is 3326.

What is the zip code of Basilan?

ZIP code 7300–7306
IDD : area code +63 (0)62
ISO 3166 code PH-BAS
Languages Chavacano Tausug Yakan Sama Cebuano English Tagalog

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