What is the poem Windrush child about?

What is the poem Windrush child about?

The poem describes the thoughts and feelings of a young child as they go on a long journey, leaving the world they know behind them. They think of the things that they will miss about their home but also describe what they will have in their new home.

Was John Agard on the Windrush?

John Agard (b. In 1998, Agard was heavily involved with the ‘Windrush’ season of programmes marking the 50-year anniversary of Windrush. Windrush refers to the generation who arrived in the UK between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean countries.

Who owned the Windrush?

Hamburg Süd
HMT Empire Windrush, originally MV Monte Rosa, was a passenger liner and cruise ship launched in Germany in 1930. She was owned and operated by the German shipping line Hamburg Süd in the 1930s under the name Monte Rosa.

What is Windrush ks2?

Windrush Day takes place on 22 June and this year will mark the fourth national Windrush Day and seventy-three years since the SS Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks in 1948, bringing the first Caribbean migrants to the UK to help rebuild Britain after the Second World War.

Is Windrush child a true story?

Benjamin Zephaniah has written a new book called Windrush Child. He describes the book as “historical, fiction, but true” and it’s about a young boy’s journey from Jamaica to England and the struggles he had growing up in Manchester during those times.

When was Windrush written?

Book Information

ISBN: 9780702302725
Publication date: 5th November 2020
Author: Benjamin Zephaniah
Publisher: Scholastic
Format: Paperback

Did the Windrush sink?

In March 1954, after a fire on board, the Empire Windrush sank in the Mediterranean Sea with the loss of 4 men while bringing home 1,500 servicemen from the Far East.

How much was a ticket on the Windrush?

One of them was a future Mayor of Southwark, Sam King, who had served in England with the wartime RAF. His family had sold three cows to buy his ticket which cost £28.10s in the old money (upward of £600 today).

When did the Windrush sink?

March 1954
In March 1954, after a fire on board, the Empire Windrush sank in the Mediterranean Sea with the loss of 4 men while bringing home 1,500 servicemen from the Far East.

Why is Windrush Day important?

The purpose of Windrush Day is to encourage communities across the country to celebrate these contributions made by the Windrush Generation, and their descendants, and thank all those involved for rebuilding this society.

What age is Windrush child for?

Book Information

ISBN: 9780702302725
Pagination: 208 pages
Suitable for: 11+ readers, 9+ readers
Genres: Family / Home Stories, Historical Fiction, People / Places, Personal Social Health Economic
Collections: 40 Children’s Books Celebrating Black History & Culture,

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