What is the most Southern thing to say?

What is the most Southern thing to say?

All-Purpose Southern Expressions We Couldn’t Do Without:

  • Y’all.
  • All y’all.
  • Down yonder.
  • Bless your pea-pickin’ little heart!
  • Kiss my go-to-hell.
  • I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on him if he was on fire.
  • If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay under the porch.
  • Why so sad? Did Chevrolet stop makin’ trucks?

What are some old Southern sayings?

13 Southern Sayings That The Rest Of America Won’t Understand

  1. “We’re living in high cotton.”
  2. “She was madder than a wet hen.”
  3. “He could eat corn through a picket fence.”
  4. “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”
  5. “You look rode hard and put up wet.”
  6. “He’s as drunk as Cooter Brown.”

What animal represents stupidity?

In Middle Eastern literature and folklore striped hyenas were often referred as symbol of treachery and stupidity.

Why do Southerners say fixin?

If you pronounce the “g,” you’re doing it wrong. One reason we love “fixin’ to” is that it’s vague. It doesn’t have to mean “about to do something in the next 10 seconds.” Or even the next hour or next day. That gives the speaker a little time to prepare to do something.

What does sexier than socks on a rooster mean?

To say that the task at hand is “like putting socks on a rooster” says that it is a very daunting and nearly impossible feat (no pun intended). …

What do Southerners say weird?

Words Southerners Say Weird caint – can’t (I caint do that.) fitt’in – fixing to, about to (I’m fitt’in to buy one.) fitty – fifty (Can I borrow fitty cents?) i’moan – I am going to (I’moan go to that game.)

What is the most evil animal?

Of all the species in the world, the largest—and most dangerous—is the saltwater crocodile. These ferocious killers can grow up to 23 feet in length, weigh more than a ton, and are known to kill hundreds each year, with crocodiles as a whole responsible for more human fatalities annually than sharks.

What words do Southerners say weird?

Words Southerners Say Weird

  • aint – the sister of one’s mother or father (I need to go visit my aint.)
  • caint – can’t (I caint do that.)
  • fitt’in – fixing to, about to (I’m fitt’in to buy one.)
  • fitty – fifty (Can I borrow fitty cents?)
  • i’moan – I am going to (I’moan go to that game.)

How do Southerners greet each other?

Courtesy, friendliness, and respect are paramount to the Southern greeting. Even if you really don’t like the other person, just say, “Bless your heart” with a smile and move on. When it’s time to depart, real Southern creativity kicks in. Here, it’s never just a simple “goodbye” or “see you later.”

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