What is the most powerful BaoFeng radio?

What is the most powerful BaoFeng radio?

BaoFeng BF-F8HP
The Most Powerful One Yet: BaoFeng BF-F8HP (High Power). The BF-F8HP is the third and final generation of the UV-5R.

Is Baofeng better than Motorola?

COMPARATIVE SUMMARY: The Baofeng’s removable rubber duck antenna and 4-5 Watts of power seems to be a little better in clarity in the longer distances. The Motorola is definitely louder and clearer in distances less than 0.5 miles.

Are Baofeng radios any good?

The BaoFeng BF-F8HP wins our Top Pick Award as the best radio for properly licensed ham radio operators. It can only be used legally by those who have a valid Technician ham radio license or higher. It has an amazing amount of settings, its battery lasts quite a while, and it has an unbeatable range.

How many watts is UV-5R?

4 watts
The BaoFeng UV-5R is a compact hand held transceiver providing 4 watts in the frequency range of 136-174 MHz and 400-480MHz (520MHz later versions). It is a compact, economical HT that includes a special VHF receive band from 65 – 108 MHz which includes the regular FM broadcast band.

How far can a BaoFeng reach?

To make contacts hundreds of miles away, you need a high-powered, high frequency (HF) radio and a General license. A BaoFeng handi-talkie using VHF maxes out at about 30 miles under ideal conditions and with a few tricks and tweaks.

Are Baofeng radios illegal 2021?

While it’s true many of the Baofengs are wide open on any frequency in the 136–174Mhz and 400–520Mhz range, and it is illegal to import, market and sell these devices, it is not illegal to own or operate these devices if you are a licensed Amateur radio operator and you are operating only on amateur radio frequencies.

Can I use my Baofeng as a scanner?

No, Baofeng radios are not police scanners. So you decided to sink a couple bucks into a Baofeng just to see what all the hype is about.

Can a ham radio be used as a police scanner?

Not normally. Ham radio bands are outside those of the police. Additionally – analogue emergency broadcasts are usually scrambled, and you would need some form of decoder to unscramble the audio. Digital technologies provide for digitally-encrypted transmissions – which are impossible to decode on ‘ordinary’ equipment.

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