What is the meaning of LWE?

What is the meaning of LWE?

Skill Development In 47 Districts Affected By Lwe Left Wing Extremism(LWE) The scheme envisages creation of Skill Development infrastructure closer to the people of left wing extremism (LWE) affected districts. The scheme covers 47 LWE Districts in 10 States.

Is terrorism a problem in Europe?

There is a long history of terrorism in Europe. This has often been linked to nationalist and separatist movements (separating countries), while other acts have been related to politics (including anarchism, far-right and far-left extremism), religious extremism, or organized crime.

What is right-wing ideology?

The term right-wing can generally refer to the section of a political party or system that advocates free enterprise and private ownership, and typically favours socially traditional ideas. The Right also includes certain groups who are culturally liberal but fiscally conservative, such as right-wing libertarians.

What causes extremism?

“Push Factors” are factors which drive individuals to violent extremism, such as: marginalization, inequality, discrimination, persecution or the perception thereof; limited access to quality and relevant education; the denial of rights and civil liberties; and other environmental, historical and socio-economic …

What is Naksal?

The term Naxal comes from the village Naxalbari in West Bengal where the Naxalbari uprising of 1967 occurred. People who are engaged in the insurgency are called Naxals or Naxalite. The movement itself is referred to as Naxalism.

How is terrorism stopped?

Using Technology to Stop Terrorists The Department of Homeland Security regularly uses drones, satellites, computers, sensors, artificial intelligence, and even newer technologies to stop terrorist plots. DHS also studies these different technologies to learn how to prevent them from being used against us.

What are left-wing beliefs?

Left-wing values include the belief in the power of human reason to achieve progress for the benefit of the human race, secularism, sovereignty exercised through the legislature, social justice and mistrust of strong personal political leadership.

What do you call a person with extreme views?

Definitions of extremist. a person who holds extreme views. type of: radical. a person who has radical ideas or opinions.

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