What is the mass movement of slide?

What is the mass movement of slide?

c) Slides: A slide is the downslope movement of a soil or rock mass occurring dominantly on the surface of rupture or relatively thin zones of intense shear strain.

What are rock slides caused by?

High precipitation, natural erosion, temperature variations or extreme stresses such as earthquakes can trigger rock slides or rock flows. When infrastructure and buildings are hit, the results are often catastrophic.

What type of movement is slide?

The two major types of slides are rotational slides and translational slides. Rotational slide: This is a slide in which the surface of rupture is curved concavely upward and the slide movement is roughly rotational about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface and transverse across the slide (figure 2a).

What is the mass movement of rock?

mass movement, also called Mass Wasting, bulk movements of soil and rock debris down slopes in response to the pull of gravity, or the rapid or gradual sinking of the Earth’s ground surface in a predominantly vertical direction.

What are types of mass movement?

The most common mass-wasting types are falls, rotational and translational slides, flows, and creep. Falls are abrupt rock movements that detach from steep slopes or cliffs. Rocks separate along existing natural breaks such as fractures or bedding planes. Movement occurs as free-falling, bouncing, and rolling.

Where do rock slides happen?

A rock slide is a type of landslide occurring when a mass of rock moves quickly downslope. Rock slides happen in mountainous regions or where artificial excavation is taking place (e.g., mines and quarries).

What are the 6 types of mass movement?

Types of mass movement

  • Rockfall. Bits of rock fall off the cliff face, usually due to freeze-thaw weathering.
  • Mudflow. Saturated soil (soil filled with water) flows down a slope.
  • Landslide. Large blocks of rock slide downhill.
  • Rotational slip. Saturated soil slumps down a curved surface.

What are the effects of land slide?

Landslides can overwhelm, and even pollute streams and waterbodies with excess sediment. In extreme cases they can dam streams and rivers, impacting both water quality and fish habitat. Landslides can wipe out large tracts of forest, destroy wildlife habitat, and remove productive soils from slopes.

What is a rock slide and what causes it?

A rock slide occurs when there is a rapid sliding of a mass of bed rock along a slanted surface which is weak or faulty. This type of mass wasting occur when pieces of rock break loose from a steep rock face or cliff due to various weathering agents like wind and water.

What are the types of mass movements that are observed?

Mass movements that are sliding of massive amounts of rock and soil are observed in landslides, mudslides, and avalanches. These are very active over weathered slopes rather than over unweathered materials. The ice, water or air does not carry debris with them from place to place but conversely, the residue may transport with it ice, water, or air.

What type of landforms are affected by mass movement?

Mass movement or mass wasting usually occur along steep-sided hills and mountains. This is often aided by running water and plays a significant part in the alteration of landforms. This slipping of large amounts of rock and soil is seen in landslides, mud slides, and avalanches.

What is a mudslide?

Also known as debris flows, mudslides especially after torrential rain or cloud burst, are moving body of rock, earth, and other debris saturated with water causing mass wasting or mass movement. When water rapidly accumulates in the ground, during rapid snow melt, it changes the surface of the area into a flowing river of mud.

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