What is the longest word in Chinese?

What is the longest word in Chinese?

This one is “Biang”. It is the name of a kind of noodle.

How do you say hello in longest?

It is called “As-salamu alaykum (ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ‎)” for greeting in arabic language. As is a gender article, salamu means “hello,greeting” and alaykum means kinda “to you”. Normally they can greet with “salam” for short, but sometimes they prefer to extend it. This greeting style is also often used in Turkey.

What do the Chinese say Namaste?

你好! (nǐ hǎo) / 您好! (nín hǎo) “Hello” “Nín hǎo” is the respectful form of “nǐ hǎo” – it’s used with people whom you want to express respect towards (a teacher, perhaps).

Is it Ni Hao or lay ho?

Ni hao (pronounced “nee haow”) is the basic, default greeting in Chinese. It is written as 你好 / nǐ hǎo. The literal translation is “you ok/good,” but this is the easiest way to say “hello” in Chinese.

What is the hardest Chinese word?

character biáng
The character biáng requires 62 total strokes to write and contains a 馬 horse, 月 moon,刂 knife and 心 heart plus other radicals. Biáng doesn’t exist in Modern Standard Mandarin which only serves to increase the mystery and intrigue surrounding the character.

How do you say hi in a cute way?

Here are some ideas for funny ways to say hi: “Howdy, there!” or “Howdy, gorgeous!” “Hey, hi, hello!” “Ahoy, matey!…How do you say hi in a cute way?

  1. “Hey, cutie! How’s it going?”
  2. “Hey there, beautiful! What have you been up to so far today?”
  3. “Hey, lovely! How was your day?”

How do you say hello in 200 languages?

How To Say Hello In Different Languages: 21 Ways To Greet The World

  1. French. Formal: Bonjour. Informal: Salut.
  2. Spanish. Formal: Hola. Informal: ¿Qué tal? (What’s up?)
  3. Russian. Formal: Zdravstvuyte.
  4. Chinese. Formal: Nǐn hǎo.
  5. Italian. Formal: Salve.
  6. Japanese. Formal: Konnichiwa.
  7. German. Formal: Guten Tag.
  8. Portuguese. Formal: Olá

How do you greet in China?


  • Handshakes are the standard, casual greeting.
  • In formal situations, people bow slightly or nod politely to greet one another formally.
  • If seated, the Chinese will stand up out of respect when they are introduced to someone.
  • Always greet those that are older than you first.

What xie xie means?

thank you
In most languages, one of the first and most important things you learn how to say is “thank you.” In English, “thank you” is a way of showing your appreciation and gratefulness towards someone. In Chinese culture, this is no different. So if there is one phrase you should master in Chinese, it is 谢谢 (xiè xie).

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