What is the food web for the Arctic?

What is the food web for the Arctic?

In the Arctic, there are several food chains that criss-cross to make a food web, starting with the sun, then producers like phytoplankton in the sea and grasses and lichens on land. Some of the consumers in the food webs are krill, fish, birds, reindeer, and seals.

What is at the top of the Arctic food chain?

The polar bear is at the top of the Arctic food chain. Its most common prey is the ringed seal and the bearded seal.

What are primary consumers of the Arctic?

Herbivores (primary consumers) such as pikas, musk oxen, caribou, lemmings, and arctic hares make up the next rung. Omnivores and carnivores (secondary consumers) such as arctic foxes, brown bears, arctic wolves, and snowy owls top the web.

Is a narwhal a secondary consumer?

Larger fish, narwhals, other whales and seals are secondary consumers, which eat the primary consumers.

What is a Web food?

A food web consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem. Each living thing in an ecosystem is part of multiple food chains. All of the interconnected and overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up a food web. Trophic Levels. Organisms in food webs are grouped into categories called trophic levels.

What type of food and resources are available in Arctic?

These traditional Inuit foods include arctic char, seal, polar bear and caribou — often consumed raw, frozen or dried. The foods, which are native to the region, are packed with the vitamins and nutrients people need to stay nourished in the harsh winter conditions.

What does animals in the Arctic eat?

Many arctic herbivores have adapted to be able to eat lichen, a moss which grows on plants in the tundra. Carnivores, however, have a much wider diet, ranging from rodents such as lemmings, birds, and even caribou. When food sources are more scarce, carnivorous animals will also eat berries and eggs.

What habitat do arctic foxes live in?

HABITAT: Arctic foxes live in Arctic and alpine tundra, in coastal areas, on ice floes, and north of the tree line. RANGE: The Arctic fox has a circumpolar range and is found in the tundra extending through the northernmost regions of Europe, Asia, North America, Greenland, and Iceland.

What do Arctic cod eat?

Arctic cod eat krill and other aquatic invertebrates. Ringed seal eat arctic cod, as well as other fish. Walrus eat bottom-dwelling organisms such as clams.

What are some decomposers in the Arctic?

Decomposers break down dead and decaying matter, releasing nutrients back to the soil, Arctic tundra decomposers include molds, yeasts, the fungi from lichen, and microorganisms called bacteria.

Do Arctic cod eat plankton?

Hiding beneath the sea ice and in its cracks and crevices, Arctic cod are the main consumers of plankton (microscopic animals and plants) that flourish around sea ice.

Do polar bears eat arctic foxes?

Polar Bears can sometimes eat Arctic Foxes, but it is not typically their prey of choice. They may also eat harp, bearded seals and ringed seals as their main source of food, and scavenge off the bodies of whales and other wildlife.

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