What is the English unit for viscosity?

What is the English unit for viscosity?

The poise (symbol P; /pɔɪz, pwɑːz/) is the unit of dynamic viscosity (absolute viscosity) in the centimetre–gram–second system of units. It is named after Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille (see Hagen–Poiseuille equation). The centipoise (1 cP = 0.01 P) is more commonly used than the poise itself.

What are the metric units for viscosity?

The unit of viscosity is newton-second per square metre, which is usually expressed as pascal-second in SI units.

What are the five common units of viscosity?


  • Poise (symbol: P) + centiPoise (symbol: cP)
  • Pascal-second (symbol: Pa.
  • Stokes (symbol: St) + centiStokes (symbol: cSt)
  • Saybolt Seconds Universal (SSU)
  • Degree Engler.
  • What is SI unit of viscosity *?

    The SI unit of viscosity coefficient (η) is Nm-2s or Nsm-2.

    How do you find the unit of viscosity?

    One way to measure viscosity is to place the fluid between two flat parallel plates and slide one plate past the other. Thus, the units of viscosity are N×m m2×m ⋅s-1=N⋅s⋅m-2=Pa⋅s .

    Which is not a unit of viscosity?

    Therefore Nm2/s2 is not the unit of dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity: The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density appears frequently and this ratio is given by the name kinematic viscosity. Its unit is Stoke or m2/s (1 stoke = 0.0001 m2/s).

    Are centistokes and centipoise the same?

    Centipoise = centistokes x specific gravity where specific gravity is assumed to be 0.8 (except for water). To find the exact cp of your fluid: cp = cSt x (weight per gallon x 0.120).

    How is viscosity measured in units?

    One way to measure viscosity is to place the fluid between two flat parallel plates and slide one plate past the other. Thus, the units of viscosity are N×m m2×m ⋅s-1=N⋅s⋅m-2=Pa⋅s . It is a convenient unit because 1 mPa⋅s=1 cP . For example, the viscosity of water at 20 °C is 1.002 mPa⋅s or 1.002 cP .

    What is the coefficient of viscosity class 11?

    Coefficient of viscosity is the measure of degree to which a fluid resists flow under an applied force. This means how much resistance does a fluid have to its motion. Ratio of shearing stress to the strain rate. It is denoted by ‘η’.

    What is the dimension of viscosity?

    Therefore, viscosity is dimensionally represented as [M1 L-1 T-1].

    What is the basic unit of length?

    The basic unit of length in the metric system is the meter. All units of length in the metric system are derived from the meter. The prefix “centi-“means one hundredth.

    How many Stokes are in a centistoke?

    Centistokes is a decimal fraction of kinematic viscosity unit stokes. One centistokes is equal to 0.01 stokes.

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