What is the Definition of disparagingly?

What is the Definition of disparagingly?

: meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or something : serving or intended to disparage someone or something a disparaging term/word … disparaging comments from ordinarily sane and sympathetic critics …—

What does Diparaged mean?

1 : to depreciate (see depreciate sense 1) by indirect means (such as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about religious beliefs disparaged as superstition. 2 : to lower in rank or reputation : degrade. Other Words from disparage Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Did you know?

What does the term caustic mean?

Definition of caustic 1 : capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action : corrosive The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipe. 2 : marked by incisive sarcasm a caustic film review caustic humor. 3 : relating to or being the surface or curve of a caustic (see caustic entry 2 sense 2)

How do you use disparagingly?

in a critical or unkind way that shows you do not respect someone or something: She denied they had a relationship but she never spoke disparagingly of him. She might get what some disparagingly call “a little part-time job.”

What are examples of caustic?

The definition of caustic is a substance that burns or eats away by chemical reaction or a hurtful remark or relationship. An example of caustic is the effect mustard gas has on the skin. An example of caustic is a boyfriend who is emotionally abusive to his girlfriend.

What part of speech is disparagingly?

verb (used with object), dis·par·aged, dis·par·ag·ing. to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle: Do not disparage good manners.

Can someone be disparaging?

If you haven’t got anything nice to say, then it’s time to disparage someone. It means to belittle or degrade a person or idea. Disparage is a specific way to describe a certain kind of insult, the kind that secures the insulter’s place as superior.

How do you use disparagingly in a sentence?

1. He spoke disparagingly of his colleagues. 2. Do not talk disparagingly about your company in public.

What is the meaning of disparaging words?

: meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or something : serving or intended to disparage someone or something a disparaging term/word … disparaging comments from ordinarily sane and sympathetic critics … — Isaiah Berlin Legally, I also can’t say anything about the company that could be construed as disparaging.

What does it mean to disparage someone’s achievements?

By the 16th century, English speakers (including William Shakespeare) were also using disparage to mean simply “to belittle .” Voters don’t like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another. It’s a mistake to disparage their achievements. The article disparaged polo as a game for the wealthy.

Why do so many people struggle to define leadership?

Many people struggled or had to pause to think because it’s a word we use so frequently without really defining. We take the concept of leadership for granted and assume that we all know what leadership is and what a great leader looks like. Once the CEOs found their definitions, their answers ran the gamut.

Can the definition of leadership change?

The definition of leadership can also change as the leaders themselves change. With new leaders come new approaches to leadership, which impacts overall culture and employees. Who is a Leader? Who then is a leader? There have been countless people through history that led people but were inhumane and destructive. Does that still make them leaders?

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