What is the best Payday 2 loadout?

What is the best Payday 2 loadout?

Payday 2: 10 Overpowered Builds You Need To Try

  • 10 Anarchist Akimbo. One of the best and most enjoyable classes to use is an akimbo build with Anarchist for speed and concealment.
  • 9 M60 Anarchist.
  • 8 Kingpin Rocket Spammer.
  • 7 Mindless Anarchist.
  • 6 Armorer LMG.
  • 5 Stoic KSP Build.
  • 4 Akimbo Shotgun Hacker.
  • 3 Kingpin Striker.

What’s the best AR in Payday 2?

Union 5.56
The Union 5.56 is widely regarded as the best assault rifle in Payday 2. Many of the Union’s stats mirror the AK, except it has a way faster fire rate. The Union combines the fast fire of the Valkyria with the accuracy and stability of the AK5. If there is a downside to the Union, it is the base magazine size of 30.

Should I do infamy Payday 2?

Is Infamy Worth It In Payday 2? As mentioned above, you lose a lot by taking an Infamy level in Payday 2. However, there are plenty of rewards to earn that make Infamy worth the trouble. Starting at Infamy level one, you will get a permanent boost to XP gained each time you take an Infamy level.

What is inspire Payday 2?

Inspire, when aced, is one of the most beneficial skills in the entire Mastermind tree, if not the entire game. In addition to enabling players to revive teammates from a distance, this skill allows players to revive others through solid objects, including walls and floors, if the distance is sufficiently small.

Did they Nerf dodge Payday 2?

Despite rogue now giving you 45 base dodge in suit and crook giving you 30 base dodge in LBV, the changes to sprinter/duck and cover in the new skills actually make the math out to a nerf. Specifically, there is no +15% bonus to crouching anymore, and the sprinter bonus is only +10% when running now.

Are shotguns good in Payday 2?

With a great damage output, stability, and ammo capacity it is easily one of the best Payday 2 weapons ever and not just in its category. The second one is a very special long-range shotgun which doesn’t even look like one. The Judge shotgun is one of the strongest and most versatile weapons in the entire game.

What are the best non DLC weapons in Payday 2?

Payday 2: The Best Weapons, Ranked

  1. 1 IZHMA 12G. Perhaps the best gun in the game when players ignore build considerations and heist type is the IZHMA 12G.
  2. 2 Brothers Grimm 12G. Brothers Grimm 12G is also a popular shotgun that’s dual-wielded.
  3. 3 Akimbo Goliath 12G.
  4. 4 KSP.
  5. 5 KSP 58.
  6. 6 Buzzsaw 42.
  7. 7 RPK.
  8. 8 Union 5.56.

How much XP do you get for infamy payday 2?

In total, a little over 23 million XP is required to reach level 100, at which point the player can become Infamous. By the time a player has reached level 100 of the 500th and final tier of infamy, they will have attained an equivalent of 50100 levels, and almost 12 billion experience points.

What do you lose after infamy?

When you increase your Infamy level (1-5), you lose all of your spending cash, but not your inventory items. Instead of letting it go to waste, use your cash to buy the most expensive guns you can, until you are out of cash or inventory slots.

How do you instant revive in Payday 2?

1 Answer. The inspire ability has a 100% chance to revive your teammate by shouting at them (20 second cooldown). You can revive through walls and floors by looking at them and shouting.

How does Berserker work payday 2?

Berserker grants an increasingly larger boost to melee, saw, and ranged damage as the player’s health decreases. For every percentage point of health the player has below 50%, the player will gain an extra 2% ranged damage and an extra 5% melee/saw damage.

What is the best Payday 2 build?

If people need to fire a bullet, they will barely have to aim with the Grimm and dual akimbo SMGs. This is one of the most mindless ways to play Payday 2, but it provides a nice break from the stress of complex builds. Another effective Payday 2 build is the Armorer paired with the Buzzsaw 42 LMG.

What is the best gun in Payday 2?

Akimbo Krinkovs are a go-to for beginners and those returning to Payday 2 after some time away. They have a blistering fire rate of 822 rounds per minute and decent damage over time. This isn’t the kind of gun you fire carefully, this is something you spray into the enemy and try to make each bullet count.

How many weapons are there in Payday 2?

There are more than a hundred weapons in Payday 2. For new players, that is an overwhelming number of options in each class. Thankfully, the game has been out for almost a decade, which has given the player base a lot of time to experiment. In each class, there are a few guns that stand out above the rest.

How much damage does the buzzsaw MG 42 do in Payday 2?

The gun does 80 damage per bullet with a fire rate of 1,200 rounds per minute. No weapon in Payday 2 has a better damage output than the Buzzsaw MG 42. After modifying the gun with their preferred attachments, players will want to use a rocket or pistol secondary and a Molotov to round out the build.

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