What is Qubit DNA?

What is Qubit DNA?

Qubit assay dyes bind selectively to DNA, RNA, or protein, making it more specific than UV absorbance. More sensitive than UV absorbance, detecting as little as 10 pg/μl of DNA. Uses as little as 1 μL of sample, even with very dilute samples.

How do I make a qubit solution work?

1.3 Prepare the Qubit® working solution by diluting the Qubit® dsDNA HS Reagent 1:200 in Qubit® dsDNA HS Buffer. Use a clean plastic tube each time you prepare Qubit® working solution. Do not mix the working solution in a glass container. Note: The final volume in each tube must be 200 µL.

What is Qubit buffer?

The Qubit® dsDNA HS Reagent and Buffer are designed for room temperature storage. The Qubit® dsDNA HS Reagent is supplied in DMSO, which freezes at temperatures lower than room temperature. Store the DNA standards at 4°C.

How long do Qubit reagents last?

Broad Range Assays * Ready-to-use formulation of the dsDNA HS and BR assay kits that does not require mixing of buffer and reagent is stable for up to 6 months.

What dye does Qubit use?

The Qubit fluorometer uses fluorescent dyes that emit signals only when bound to the specific target molecules (DNA or RNA) even in the presence of free nucleotides, degraded nucleic acids, or protein contaminants.

Does Qubit use PicoGreen?

Samples processed using the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit are read with a standard fluorescence microplate reader, and the data are plotted with a graphics software package of the user’s choice. Qubit dsDNA assay kits are convenient for fewer samples, since the samples are read one at a time.

How do you use Qubit 2?

The protocol is easy: Simply dilute the reagent using the buffer provided, add your sample (any volume between 1 and 20 μL), and read the concentration using the Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer after a 2-minute incubation (allow 15 minutes for the protein assay).

How long do qubit reagents last?

How do you calibrate a qubit?

If you are performing the Qubit™ protein assay, which requires a three-point calibration, insert Standard #3 when prompted, and then press Read. The calibration is complete after Standard #2 is read (or after Standard #3 is read for the Qubit™ protein assay).

Does qubit use PicoGreen?

What dye is used in Qubit?

The evolution of dye selection has been discussed in detail, ranging from Ethidium Bromide (commonly used as a fluorescent tag for gel electrophoresis), to the dye chosen here for DNA quantification in QUBIT 4.0, called PicoGreen (ultra sensitive dye which is used for ds – DNA quantification in QUBIT 4.0).

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