What is LBQ?

What is LBQ?

Transform learning with immediate targeted feedback. LbQ is the teaching tool to help squeeze the most out of your lesson. Enjoy more lightbulb moments with our award-winning resources.

What is learnlbq?

LbQ is a teaching tool that fits seamlessly with any type of learning, whether it be in-class, blended or remote learning. Our resources are designed to complement your teaching and improve learning outcomes.

How do I use LBQ tasks on my Device?

APPLE – Snap the QR code with our LbQ Tasks app (just search ‘LbQ Tasks’ in the App Store) to load the task on to your iPad. ANDROID – Snap the QR code with our LbQ Tasks app to load the task on to your tablet. WINDOWS – Snap the QR code with our LbQ Tasks app to load the task on to your tablet.

How can LBQ help English teachers?

English teachers across the UK are falling in love with LbQ’s short reads. These ready-to-teach guided reading Question Sets save approx 2hrs a lesson! With Primary and Secondary activities to choose from, you can alleviate some of the planning and marking and start enjoying teaching literature the way you imagined you would.

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