What is labrum Glenoidale?

What is labrum Glenoidale?

The glenoid labrum (glenoid ligament) is a fibrocartilaginous structure (not a fibrocartilage as previously thought) rim attached around the margin of the glenoid cavity in the shoulder blade. The shoulder joint is considered a ball and socket joint.

What muscles attach to the glenoid labrum?

The glenoid labrum is continuous with: superiorly: tendon of the long head of biceps brachii. anteriorly:anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament. middle: glenohumeral ligament (variably)

What structures attach to the labrum?

The other structure that attaches to the labrum is the tendon of the biceps muscle. The biceps muscle is the muscle on the front of the arm which gets firm with bending the elbow. While this muscle is quite large, it turns into a small tendon about the size of a pencil that attaches inside the shoulder joint.

Does a type 2 SLAP tear require surgery?

SLAP tears are often painful and can cause clicking in the shoulder. They often occur as a result of a jarring motion of the arm. Unfortunately, SLAP tears do not heal on their own and usually require surgery to allow them to heal properly.

Is the labrum part of the rotator cuff?

The shoulder joint is composed of the glenoid (the shallow shoulder “socket”) and the head of the upper arm bone known as the humerus (the “ball”). The labrum is the attachment site for the shoulder ligaments and supports the ball-and-socket joint as well as the rotator cuff tendons and muscles.

What are the symptoms of a torn labrum?

Symptoms of a labral tear depend on where the tear is located and may include:

  • A dull throbbing ache in the shoulder joint.
  • Difficulty sleeping due to shoulder discomfort.
  • “Catching” of the shoulder joint with movement.
  • Pain with specific activities.
  • Dislocations of the shoulder.

Can shoulder labrum cause nerve pain?

A pinched nerve in shoulder (compression) commonly occurs with a paralabral cyst. These often happen with SLAP lesions and/or isolated labral tears. The tears allow fluid to ‘leak’ toward the spinoglenoid notch (fig 1a) and form ganglion-like cysts which compress the nerve.

Is labrum a muscle or ligament?

This rim of cartilage is called the “labrum”. Ligaments surround and connect the ball to the socket. These ligaments attach directly to the ball but attach to the labrum as opposed to the bone at the socket. The labrum attachment to the bone is the “weak link” of this setup.

How does labrum attach to bone?

Ligaments surround and connect the ball to the socket. These ligaments attach directly to the ball but attach to the labrum as opposed to the bone at the socket. The labrum attachment to the bone is the “weak link” of this setup.

What is a posterior labral tear?

A posterior labral tear is referred to as a reverse Bankart lesion, or attenuation of the posterior capsulolabral complex, and commonly occurs due to repetitive microtrauma in athletes.

Can physical therapy fix a SLAP tear?

Many people with SLAP tears get better with a period of rest and rehabilitation. A physical therapy program can strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder and improve control of the shoulder joint.

What is the difference between labrum and rotator cuff?

The shoulder labrum is a piece of soft cartilage in the socket-shaped joint in your shoulder bone. It cups the ball-shaped joint at the top of your upper arm bone, connecting the two joints. A group of four muscles called the rotator cuff helps the labrum keep the ball in the socket.

What is the posterior interosseous nerve?

The posterior interosseous nerve is a branch of the radial nerve, which comes off the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. With nerve roots C5 to T1, the radial nerve travels down the arm and divides into superficial and deep branches in the proximal forearm.

What nerve passes through the arcade of Frohse?

As the radial nerve courses down the upper arm, it divides in the proximal forearm into the superficial sensory branch and the deep motor branch that passes through the Arcade of Frohse to then course between the heads of the supinator muscle to form the PIN ( ³) ( see figure 1 ).

What are the treatment options for posterior interosseous nerve syndrome?

There are several medical ways to treat the posterior interosseous nerve syndrome. The arm can be put in an above-elbow cast for ten days with the elbow flexed at 90°, the forearm supinated and the wrist in neutral position

What are the symptoms of posterior interosseous nerve compression?

Compression of the posterior interosseous nerve can exhibit clinical weakness or functional loss of finger / thumb extension and lack of ulnar wrist extension. Provocative tests can confirm whether the radial tunnel in the region of the posterior interosseous nerve is the area of compression.

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