What is eating my photinia Red Robin?

What is eating my photinia Red Robin?

If Sally you can see jagged teeth marks where pieces of the leaves have been eaten it could well be that the Photinia leaves are being eaten by a Weevil and the most likely Weevil could well be the adult Black Vine Weevil which are nocturnal and are only active during the evening.

How do you treat Red Robin leaf spots?

How to treat photinia leaf spot

  1. You should pick all infected leaves by pruning them out.
  2. Diligently disinfect your pruning shears, scissors or secateur with methylated spirits or alcohol between cuts.
  3. Spray at two week intervals, preferably just after a rain or shower.
  4. Spray again with Bordeaux mix in fall.

What is the most effective vine weevil killer?

Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer
Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer is both safe and highly effective in the control of vine weevil grubs. The treatment consists of natural nematodes, a tiny parasitic worm that feeds on the vine weevil larvae. Using a basic watering can, the nematodes can be applied to the soil between March and October.

How do you treat vine weevils?

Vine weevil control and treatment

  1. It is best to physically remove them. Collect them at night by torchlight, whilst they are feeding.
  2. Use a specially formulated vine weevil chemical control on ornamental plants in pots or containers. Spray the plants with a systemic and contact insecticide* at dusk on mild evenings.

Do Red Robins lose their leaves?

Red Robins do have a tendency to drop leaves throughout the year and for those who like to keep their gardens tidy this can mean frequent sweeping up.

Why is my Red Robin loosing its leaves?

LEAF SPOT OF RED ROBIN The symptoms of this problem are dark red / black spots on the leaves. Affected leaves eventually fall off and in bad cases the plant can severely affected. The latest research indicates that in most cases the damage is caused by damp, humid and / or cold conditions rather than disease.

How do you revive photinia?

Each year, cut out one-half to one-third of the stems to about 6 inches (15 cm.) above the ground. Begin with the oldest and largest stems and then cut the week and misshapen ones. After three or four years, the shrub will be completely rejuvenated.

Why is my Red Robin drooping?

Both under and over-watering can cause droopy leaves. I would water when the top 5cm / 2in of the compost is dry, not before.

What kind of pest is a Red Robin?

Photinia Fraseri ‘Red Robin’ Pests. Among the numerous pests in the garden, there are two of the usual suspects that specifically target the Red Robin. In contrast to the infections, which are difficult to fight, there is a good chance to get rid of the plague with natural means. Weevils (otiorhynchus)

Why are my red tip photinia leaves turning red?

Red tip photinia is susceptible to fungal diseases when conditions are wet and humid. Entomosporium fungus is a particular threat. This disease appears as red spots across the leaf surface. If it is not controlled, it can overtake the plant and cause many of the leaves to drop, sometimes killing the plant.

Are Photinia’s pests free?

Photinia are generally pest free, though I have had some this year appearing to suffer with black spot, and little holes in the leaves, which a good spray with Rose Clear completely sorted out. It may be worth a try, especially on any new shoots. Slugs and snails tend to leave trails rather than individual holes.

What is a Red Robin Photinia tree?

With its bright red leaf shoots and white panicles the photinia steals the show from traditional ornamental trees. The highlight within the varietal family is called Photinia fraseri Red Robin and scores with its undemanding nature. This applies especially to winter-mild areas that do not afflict this flowering and fruit-bearing plant too much.

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