What is DRG code 795?

What is DRG code 795?

795 NORMAL NEWBORN – Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group.

What is the DRG for normal newborn?

A normal newborn is defined as any discharge meeting the definition of “newborn” (see above) with an MS-DRG code of 795.

What are the DRG codes?

Diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a system which classifies hospital cases according to certain groups,also referred to as DRGs, which are expected to have similar hospital resource use (cost). They have been used in the United States since 1983.

What is the DRG for C section?

DRG 765: CESAREAN SECTION WITH COMPLICATION OR COMORBIDITY (CC)/MAJOR COMPLICATION OR COMORBIDITY (MCC) – Market Size, Prevalence, Incidence, Quality Outcomes, Top Hospitals & Physicians.

What does DRG 794 mean?

DRG. 794. DRG 794 NEONATE WITH OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS. Principal or secondary diagnosis of newborn or neonate,with other significant problems, not assigned to DRG 789 through 793 or 795. PRINCIPAL OR SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS.

What is MS DRG 807?


What would affect the MS-DRG assignment?

volume: The number of patients in each MS-DRG. The volume of patients in specific DRGs is important when reviewing the case mix index. It should be noted that hospital acquired conditions (HAC) also factor into the assignment of MS-DRGs.

What are Nicu revenue codes?

The NICU levels of care are based on the complexity of care that a newborn with specified diagnoses and symptoms requires. All four levels of care are represented by a unique revenue code: Level 1/0171, Level 2/0172, Level 3/0173, and Level 4/0174.

What does CC MCC mean?

major complication or
Appendix C is a list of all of the codes that are defined as either a complication or comorbidity (CC) or a major complication or comorbidity (MCC) when used as a secondary diagnosis. Part 1 lists these codes. Each code is indicated as CC or MCC.

What are the different types of DRG?

There are currently three major versions of the DRG in use: basic DRGs, All Patient DRGs, and All Patient Refined DRGs. The basic DRGs are used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for hospital payment for Medicare beneficiaries.

What is MCC in coding?

Appendix C is a list of all of the codes that are defined as either a complication or comorbidity (CC) or a major complication or comorbidity (MCC) when used as a secondary diagnosis. Part 2 lists codes which are assigned as a Major CC only for patients discharged alive.

What does DRG 998 mean?


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