What is biological pest control in India?

What is biological pest control in India?

Biological control or biocontrol is a method of controlling pests such as insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases using other organisms. It can be an important component of integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

What are the biological methods of pest control?

There are three primary methods of using biological control in the field: 1) conservation of existing natural enemies, 2) introducing new natural enemies and establishing a permanent population (called “classical biological control”), and 3) mass rearing and periodic release, either on a seasonal basis or inundatively.

What are the types of biological control?

Biological control is the use of living organisms to maintain pest populations below damaging levels. Natural enemies of arthropods fall into three major categories: predators, parasitoids, and pathogens (Altieri et al., 2005; Mahr et al., 2008).

What is augmentation in biological control?

The term augmentation is used because natural enemies are being augmented, even when they already occur in the release area but are not abundant enough to provide control. Inundative biological control.

What are the disadvantages of biological control?

Disadvantages of Biological Control:

  • Biological control can be fickle.
  • It’s a slow process.
  • If you’re looking to completely wipe out a pest, biological control is not the right choice.
  • While it is cheap in the long run, the process of actually setting up a biological control system is a costly endeavor.

What are bio pesticides give example?

12.4 Microbial biopesticides

Microbial biopesticides Target pest/mechanism
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Mosquitoes and black flies
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki Lepidoptera
Bacillus thuringiensis sphaericus Mosquitoes
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis Lepidopteran pests

Which is better biological or chemical pest control?

Many different chemicals are used to kill pests. Biological control involves the use of another living organism to kill a pest. No chemicals are needed, there is no environmental contamination with pesticides, and the pests don’t become resistant to the control method.

How much does biological control cost?

Biological control programs that targeted pests of eucalypts in California have cost US$2,663,097 in ex tramural grants and University of California salaries.

How do I become a biocontrol agent?

Methods used are : soil application , seed pelleting , seed treatment , foliar application etc. The microbial insecticides are: NPV, Bt, Fungi, EPN etc. Biocontrol agent is available as suspension or dry powder.

What are the four areas of biological control?

The four major ways are by what has been called Augmentive Biological Control, Classical Biological Control (otherwise known as Inoculative Biological Control), Inundative Biological Control, and Manipulative Biological Control.

Is biological control expensive?

Cost Considerations Biological control can either be less or more expensive than pesticides. You can incur significant expense studying, choosing, testing and breeding a bioagent. However, in cases in which bioagents are applied to low-level pest populations, pest control can be long-term and inexpensive.

What are the biological control agents for insects?

List of Biological Control Agents Insect Predators such as spiders, flies, ladybugs, wasps, beetles, and dragonflies. Pathogenic microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, fungi, etc. Coccobacillus bacteria are more pathogenic to insects. They affect the digestive system of insects and are used against insects and aphids.

Which biological control agents are used to control borers in India?

Today, these biological control agents have been successfully employed in India. Trichogramma, which is a stingless wasp that feeds on the eggs of sugarcane borers, has been used against borers in the states of Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, UP, Bihar and Haryana.

How many types of biopesticides are there in India?

The Biopesticide segment occupies a small portion of the large pesticide market in India. In 2005, it accounted for just 2.89%, which was expected to increase to 5%. Until 2011, there were 12 different types of biopesticides registered in India.

What are biological pesticides?

“Biological pesticides”, or ‘Biopesticides’ as the name suggests, are naturally occurring substances that biologically control harmful pests, especially among field crops. These are naturally produced bio-chemical materials basically non-toxic to the environment that can be employed in pest control.

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