What is an example of enticing?

What is an example of enticing?

The definition of entice is persuade or attract by offering pleasure. When you convince your cat to come out from under the bed by offering a treat, this is an example of when you entice your cat.

What does it enticing mean?

: to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt. Other Words from entice Synonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About entice.

What is an enticing person?

The word entice means to lure or tempt someone by promising them something that they like. It is a little manipulative but in a fairly straightforward way. You always know it when someone is enticing you. If a company really wants to hire you, they will entice you with a good salary and generous benefits.

What makes something enticing?

Something enticing is exciting and intriguing. Enticing things are tempting and make you want to have them. When a thing is enticing, it’s kind of like it’s saying “You want this, don’t you? Yes you do!” The goal of almost all advertising is to be enticing — to try to entice you to buy the product.

What is the closest synonym for the word entice?

Some common synonyms of entice are decoy, inveigle, lure, seduce, and tempt. While all these words mean “to lead astray from one’s true course,” entice suggests drawing by artful or adroit means. advertising designed to entice new customers.

What does enticing a child mean?

Enticing a child for indecent purposes occurs when the person solicits, entices or takes a child under 16 years of age to an place for the purpose of child molestation or indecent acts. The offense carries a sentence of 10 to 30 years. There is an exception for young people close in age.

Is entice positive or negative?

Something that’s described as enticing is viewed as positive and desirous by the person whom it has enticed, but the word itself sometimes implies that such a thing serves to tempt people to do something that perhaps they shouldn’t, as in That chocolate is enticing, but I vowed to give up sweets for a while.

What are synonyms for entice?

Some common synonyms of entice are decoy, inveigle, lure, seduce, and tempt. While all these words mean “to lead astray from one’s true course,” entice suggests drawing by artful or adroit means.

What’s the opposite of Entice?

What is the opposite of entice?

disenchant disgust
dissuade repel
repulse turn away
turn off discourage
deter offend

What means the same as entice?

Frequently Asked Questions About entice Some common synonyms of entice are decoy, inveigle, lure, seduce, and tempt. While all these words mean “to lead astray from one’s true course,” entice suggests drawing by artful or adroit means.

What is an enticing charge?

Enticing a child for indecent purposes occurs when the person solicits, entices or takes a child under 16 years of age to an place for the purpose of child molestation or indecent acts. The offense carries a sentence of 10 to 30 years.

What does enticement mean in law?

To lure, induce, tempt, incite, or persuade a person to do a thing. Enticement of a child is inviting, persuading, or attempting to persuade a child to enter any vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with intent to commit an unlawful sexual act upon or with the person of said child.

What are some sentences and phrases with the word enticing?

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word enticing? Here are some examples. Would he now immaturely fall a victim to an enticing face and the cares of a household? The air was ladened with the sweet fragrance of incense and those subtle perfumes that are so delightful and enticing to the soul.

What is the meaning of enticing food?

: arousing strong attraction or interest : alluring an enticing aroma an enticing menu an enticing opportunity/possibility Some of the most enticing food on the menu is in the “little bite” section, more than a dozen appetizers priced from $5 to $11 per plate.

What wooed Sedna with enticing song?

Finally, at the breaking up of the ice in the spring a fulmar flew from over the ice and wooed sedna with enticing song. At another he heard the enticing notes of a fiddle and the light heels of the merry dancers. There is a dreamy summer about them which make them enticing as the Hesperides of the ancients.

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