What is an environmental and social management Framework?

What is an environmental and social management Framework?

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is a tool for use by a project proponent to identify and address the potential environmental and social concerns or impacts of a project across all stages from planning stage to its implementation and post- implementation operations.

What is an environmental and social management system?

A Environmental and Social Management System is a set of policies, procedures, tools and internal capacity to identify and manage a financial institution’s exposure to the environmental and social risks of its clients/investees.

What is the purpose of an Esms?

The Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) provides a systematic procedure to check IUCN projects for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to assure that negative impacts are avoided or minimised to the extent possible while positive impacts are stimulated.

What is the social and environmental aspects of management?

The essential aspects of environmental resource management are ethical, economical, social, and technological. These underlie principles and help make decisions. The concept of environmental determinism, probabilism and possibilism are significant in the concept of environmental resource management.

What is environmental framework?

An environmental framework is the foundation to any analysis of the energy-related environmental impact of buildings. The environmental framework provides a consistent and comprehensive system for describing the physical interactions arising throughout the life cycle of buildings.

What does Esmf stand for?


Acronym Definition
ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework
ESMF Earth System Modeling Facility (University of California, Irvine)
ESMF Elliott Smith Memorial Fund (Los Angeles, CA)
ESMF Endangered Species Mitigation Fund (Utah)

What is social management system?

A SMS is the set of policies, processes, and procedures that allow a business to manage its social performance on a continuous basis in order to track improvements. An effective SMS will help a business to: • Demonstrate its business maturity as a responsible enterprise.

What are the IFC Performance Standards?

The IFC Performance Standards are an international benchmark for identifying and managing environmental and social risk and has been adopted by many organizations as a key component of their environmental and social risk management.

What is social management?

Social Management is a process of managing one’s daily activities in a manner that makes the most effective use of routine life/time. It provides existing social workers and human service practitioners with the opportunity of developing specialist knowledge and expertise in organizational management.

What is an Esms manual?

The ESMS Implementation Handbook is for firms who wish to implement a management system in line with the requirements of IFC Performance Standard 1. The ESMS Toolkit – General provides tools — checklists, templates, and forms — to help you implement your ESMS improvement plan.

What are the three components of environmental management?

The three primary processes of a management system include: Core processes, their outputs, and the identification of significant environmental aspects and impacts.

What are the types of environmental management?

There are many EMS models now available for different types of organisation. The three current established EMS s are ISO 14001, the Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and ISO 14005.

What is the environmental and social management system?

The Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) provides a systematic procedure to check IUCN projects for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to assure that negative impacts are avoided or minimised to the extent possible while positive impacts are stimulated. Relevant system documents are organized in four categories:

What does ESMs stand for in environmental management?

Environmental and Social Management System. The Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) provides a systematic procedure to check IUCN projects for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to assure that negative impacts are avoided or minimised to the extent possible while positive impacts are stimulated.

What should be included in the ESMs manual?

(1) the ESMS Manual that describes the ESMS Policy Framework (including ESMS principles), the institutional and operational arrangements for the ESMS and the ESMS review procedures along the project cycle, (3) guidance notes for providing more in-depth instruction on selected topics and (4) templates for forms and checklists.

What is the ESMs grievance mechanism?

IUCN has put in place an ESMS grievance mechanism to provide people or communities fearing or suffering adverse impacts from a project with an opportunity to raise their concerns. The mechanism covers complaints related to issues where IUCN projects have failed to respect ESMS principles, standards and procedures.

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