What happened in Chapter 8 of the Fellowship of the Ring?

What happened in Chapter 8 of the Fellowship of the Ring?

Falling over Merry, Frodo suddenly remembers the song Tom Bombadil taught them. He begins to sing and soon hears a reply: old Tom comes crashing into the mound, collapsing the Barrow-wight’s chamber. Tom helps the hobbits out onto the grass, where they recover from the Barrow-wight’s spell.

What happened at the Barrow-Downs?

On 28 September 3018 Frodo Baggins and company were trapped in the downs by a wight, probably in the same cairn which held the grave of the last prince of Cardolan (it’s likely that Merry saw his last memories in dreams, for he mentioned the “men of Carn Dûm”).

What do the hobbits wake to after taking a nap in the Barrow-Downs?

They head out over the Barrow-downs in hot sunny weather, and have lunch on top of a hill. They fall asleep and wake to find it sunset and the Downs covered with fog.

What did Frodo do at the Barrow?

Frodo manages to resist the wight’s spell; looking about, he sees the other hobbits dressed in grave-goods, in thin white clothes with gold circlets and chains, swords and shields around them, and a sword lying across their necks. He seizes a small sword and cuts off the wight’s hand.

What did the Elves give Boromir?

Boromir’s belt was gifted to Boromir by Galadriel. It appeared as it were of linked golden leaves.

Who saves the hobbits from the Barrow Wights?

A low door-like opening appeared at the end of the chamber beyond Frodo’s feet; and there was Tom’s head (hat, feather, and all) framed against the light of the sun rising red behind him. The light fell upon the floor, and upon the faces of the three hobbits lying beside Frodo.

What does a Morgul blade do?

The Morgul-knife was a short blade carried by the Witch-king of Angmar during the Third Age, and used to stab Frodo Baggins at the ancient watch-tower of Weathertop.

What race is Tom Bombadil?

Tom Bombadil
Spouse Goldberry
Physical Description
Race Unknown
Gender Male

What does Tom Bombadil choose from the Barrow treasure for each Hobbit and what makes his choices special?

What does Tom Bombadil choose from the barrow treasure for each hobbit, and what makes his choices special? He choses swords (daggers) for them. He knows the history of eachand they used to belong to the westernesse men. They roam the land and were the descendants of the men of the Westernesse.

Who saves the hobbits from the Barrow-wights?

Why did Boromir start crying?

Boromir knows what he has been thinking is wrong, and so he cries. He has a great desire to do good by his people, and the Ring can sense Boromir’s greatness and uses his well-meaning desires against him. He tries to take the Ring from Frodo.

What did Galadriel give the Hobbits?

Galadriel gives Frodo her phial of light, reminding us of the “dark times” (as a character in the next volume of the novel describes them) that currently prevail in Middle-earth. Her gift of magic soil to Sam reminds us of how little regeneration and growth there has been in this time of warfare and destruction.

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