What fish can live with killifish?

What fish can live with killifish?

12 Best Tank Mates for Killifish in 2022

  1. Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus)
  2. Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)
  3. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
  4. Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi)
  5. Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
  6. Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
  7. Peppered Cory Catfish (Corydoras paleatus)

Can killifish be kept together?

Behavior and Compatibility. Most killifish are peaceful and get along well in community tanks; however, the males can be aggressive towards each other. Alternatively, you can just have one male killifish in each aquarium, and avoid keeping any similar-looking male species. You can keep any number of females together.

Are killifish related to guppies?

The killifish or egg-laying tooth carps are very closely related to the live-bearing tooth carps (guppy, Mollie, Platy, and swordtail) even though they have very different methods of reproduction.

Can killifish live in cold water?

Clown Killifish With a minimum water temperature tolerance of 68°F, you can keep these in colder tanks without any issues. They’re very peaceful as well which allows you to match them with a variety of other species. These fish are interesting because they will spend a lot of time in schools when they’re younger.

Is a killifish a freshwater fish?

Underrated Gems. Killifish are not well known in the mainstream aquarium hobby and are seldom seen in local fish stores, but they are some of the most colorful freshwater aquarium fish in existence.

What food do killifish eat?

Killifish are carnivores. Depending on the size of your fish, frozen foods such as brine shrimp, newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii, daphnia, mysis shrimp, mosquito larvae and bloodworms are all good choices.

What is a guentheri killifish?

The Guentheri Killifish also known as the Redtail notho, is captive bred but is normally found in water holes, streams, and marshes in Africa. The term Killy is derived from the Dutch word meaning ditch or channel, not because this fish is a killer in the aquarium.

What are the different varieties of killifish?

Among the different varieties of killifish there is the, Guentheri from Zanzibar Island, rachovii from Mosambique and the Eggersi from Tanzania. The Nothobranchius killifish prove to be interesting to fish hobbyists.

What kind of body does a killifish have?

Killifish – Nothos Killifish. As general description goes, they have slightly compressed elongated bodies with the anal and dorsal fins set well back and wide caudal fins with a round edging. Their coloration varies from pink, white, silver, maroon, red to orange, yellow and many other colors.

What can I Feed my guentheri killifish?

Guentheri Killifish will accept most live foods such as brine shrimp, white worms, tubifex, and some dry flake and frozen foods. No testimonials have been submitted for this product.

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