What does an aplomb mean?

What does an aplomb mean?

Definition of aplomb : complete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise She played several roles with equal aplomb.

Is aplomb a compliment?

Aplomb nearly always carries a positive connotation. It is often preceded by the preposition “with.” To say that “somebody has great aplomb” or “handled something with aplomb” is a nice compliment to a person’s poise and confidence.

How do I get aplomb?

Give others a sense of control by demonstrating that you know what to do. Show concern for people, especially when they seem unable to care about one another (as happens when people become stressed). Be restrained in what you say, avoiding harsh words and criticism. Offer comforting words and a haven of calm.

What is the antonym for aplomb?

OPPOSITES FOR aplomb 1 confusion, discomposure; doubt, uncertainty.

What is an example of aplomb?

The definition of aplomb is a strong belief in yourself and the ability to remain calm under pressure. To know with certainty that you are the best person for the job and then to perform it well is an example of performing a job with aplomb. Self-confidence; poise; composure.

How do you use aplomb?

Examples of ‘aplomb’ in a sentence aplomb

  1. She performed the task with great aplomb.
  2. Kept cool to take his winner with great aplomb.
  3. He carried his weight with considerable aplomb.
  4. With his usual aplomb he accepted the package graciously and set off on his motorbike for the party.

How do you use aplomb in a sentence?

What is the synonym and antonym of aplomb?

Some common synonyms of aplomb are assurance, confidence, and self-possession. While all these words mean “a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment,” aplomb implies a manifest self-possession in trying or challenging situations.

What’s a synonym for aptitude?

Some common synonyms of aptitude are bent, faculty, genius, gift, knack, and talent. While all these words mean “a special ability for doing something,” aptitude implies a natural liking for some activity and the likelihood of success in it.

How is aplomb used in simple sentences?

Where does the word aplomb originate from?

The word aplomb, you see, has its origins in a Middle French phrase a plomb, meaning “according to the plummet”—a plummet being the same thing as a plumb line. If you dangle a plummet or plumb line it will hang down perfectly vertically; it’s a useful tool when you want to make things straight and square.

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