What do you need for Bronze Medallion?

What do you need for Bronze Medallion?

To commence training for the Bronze Medallion you must: Complete an unaided swim of 400 m in 9 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted) in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to you undertaking any water training or assessment activities.

What are the requirements for Bronze Star?

Bronze Star (10 hr.): develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness….fitness training workout:

  • 100 m or yd. warm-up.
  • 6 x 25 m or yd. one of front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, or lifesaving kick.
  • 2 x 50 m or yd. one of head-up front crawl or head-up breaststroke.
  • 50 m or yd. cool-down.

How long does it take to get a Bronze Medallion?

Gain your Surf Life Saving Bronze Medallion, a worldwide recognised qualification in a 4 day intensive course. This is the ultimate course for those wishing to become a Surf Lifesaver.

What qualification do I need to be a lifeguard?

Lifeguard Course Prerequisites Every candidate attending a NPLQ course must be 16-years-old at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment and be able to: Jump/dive into deep water. Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds. Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water.

How does a teenager become a lifeguard?


  1. Minimum age: 15 years (depending on state)
  2. Swim distance using front crawl (freestyle) or breaststroke without resting: 100 yards.
  3. Feet-first surface dive, retrieve a 10-lb. brick, and bring it to the surface.
  4. Tread water without using arms for 1 minute.

What abilities does a rescuer require to perform a rescue?

What are you looking for?

  • Awareness. Recognise an emergency and accept responsibility.
  • Assessment. Make an informed judgement.
  • Action. Develop a plan and affect the rescue.
  • Aftercare. Give aid until medical help arrives.

What is the difference between Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross?

Before one can take the Bronze Cross course, the Bronze Medallion (Canada) is required. With Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid certification, one can be an assistant lifeguard in some provinces. The Bronze Cross endurance swim requirement is 600 metres in 18 minutes using any combination of strokes.

What qualifications do you need to be a lifeguard in Australian?

To be part of a world-class organisation, our lifeguards must be 18 years or over and demonstrate high levels of fitness, excellent rescue and people skills, and hold, and hold or be able to hold the following qualifications: Surf Life Saving Bronze Medallion/Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)

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