What do bobcats eat in California?

What do bobcats eat in California?

Largely carnivorous, bobcats prey upon a variety of animals, including rabbits, rodents, wood rats, porcupines, raccoons, deer fawns, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. Prey are usually stalked or ambushed from the ground, trees, logs, or rocks.

How many bobcats are in California?

72,000 bobcats
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife says the state has 72,000 bobcats, but Cummings says that number is outdated, derived from a density study, conducted not in California but Idaho in the 1970s.

What do bobcats eat?

Bobcats eat a variety of animal species, includ- ing mice, rats, squirrels, chickens, small fawns, wild birds, feral cats and rabbits. It’s very un- likely, but possible, that free-roaming cats or small dogs left outside unattended might be taken as well.

What to do if you see a bobcat?

What should you do if you encounter a bobcat?

  1. Pick up any small children or pets. This will make you appear larger to the bobcat.
  2. Give the bobcat space and back away slowly.
  3. Let the bobcat know you are there by talking to it or making noise.
  4. If the bobcat approaches you, stomp the ground, clap your hands or yell loudly.

Do bobcats climb trees?

8. Bobcats are excellent climbers and jumpers. When threatened by a bigger carnivore, these cats will usually head for the safety of the nearest tree. Climbing among the branches also affords bobcats the opportunity to dine on nesting birds every so often.

What does it mean when you see a bobcat?

Bobcat symbolism and meanings include self-reliance, perception, moxie, stealth, friskiness, beauty, and affection. In addition, the bobcat spirit animal is a figure who appears in the spiritual belief systems of many Native American tribes.

What to do if you see a bobcat in your backyard?

Lynx, Bobcats, and Cougars When encountering a wild cat, back away slowly and deliberately from the animal. The more distance between you and the cat, the better. Do not run away as that could trigger the feline’s hunting instincts. You can scare it away by spraying water or making noise.

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