What can you bring to this company?

What can you bring to this company?

The simple answer to this question is you: you bring all of your skills, qualities, values, interests, academic knowledge, internships and life experience to the company. But you should never just answer ‘me’.

What can I contribute to a university?

You contribute to universities by paying tuition and being one of many. By both your personal contributions of money and time spent there, you improve the place a tiny bit. You can participate in class, help your fellow classmates, and volunteer in computer labs.

What is a annual salary?

Your annual salary is the amount of money your employer pays you over the course of a year in exchange for the work you perform. For example, if you earn a salary of $72,000 annually and you work a 40-hour week all year. Before taxes, your salary breaks down to an hourly wage of $34.62.

How will you contribute to our company?

Learn About the Company and the Role Try to identify the company’s specific needs, and then respond by giving examples as to why your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience will make you an asset for the employer by fulfilling those needs.

At what salary do I pay tax?

It is mandatory to file return of income for a company and a firm. However, individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI are mandatorily required to file return of income if the income exceed basis exemption limit of Rs 2.5 lakhs. This limit is different for senior citizens and super senior citizens.

Is a salary yearly or monthly?

In accounting, salaries are recorded on payroll accounts. Salary is a fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an employee by an employer in return for work performed. Salary is commonly paid in fixed intervals, for example, monthly payments of one-twelfth of the annual salary.

What is an hourly salary?

Understanding the differences between salary vs. With a salary, you’re not typically paid based on the number of hours you work. On the other hand, hourly positions pay a certain amount for each hour you work, such as $15 per hour. An hourly worker can be paid weekly, biweekly, or monthly just like a salaried employee.

Does salary get taxed more than hourly?

The rate of tax is the same for both salaried and hourly-paid staff. As an employer, you pay tax according to the total amount on your payroll—whether salaried employees, hourly workers or both.

How can I calculate salary?

Here the basic salary will be calculated as per follows Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + HRA Allowance + conveyance allowance + entertainment allowance + medical insurance here the gross salary 594,000. The deduction will be Income tax and provident fund under which the net salary comes around 497,160.

How much tax is cut from salary?

How to calculate TDS on Salary?

Income Tax Slab TDS Deductions Tax Payable
Up to Rs.2.5 lakhs NIL NIL
Rs.2.5 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs 5% of (Rs.5,00,000-Rs.2,50,000) Rs.12,500
Rs.5 lakhs to Rs. 6.33 lakhs 20% of (Rs.6,33,000-Rs.5,00,000) Rs.26,600

How can you contribute to the school?

Make a difference in education: 6 ways to contribute to schools in your community

  1. Donate supplies.
  2. Volunteer in the classroom.
  3. Nominate schools for grants.
  4. Think outside the classroom.
  5. Attend meetings.
  6. Encourage participation.
  7. The importance of STEM education.

What is TDS full name?

Income Tax Department > Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)

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