What are the four types of insider threats?

What are the four types of insider threats?

Some of the main categories of insider threats include:

  • Sabotage. The insider uses their legitimate access to damage or destroy company systems or data.
  • Fraud. The theft, modification, or destruction of data by an insider for the purpose of deception.
  • Intellectual Property Theft.
  • Espionage.

What are some potential threat indicators?

What are some potential insider threat indicators? Difficult life circumstances such as substance abuse; divided loyalty or allegiance to the U.S.; or extreme, persistent interpersonal difficulties.

What are the three main categories indicators used to determine an insider threat?

There are three main types of insider threats.

  • Malicious. An individual with authorized access who knowingly takes action to steal digital assets or sabotage operations is considered a malicious insider threat.
  • Negligent.
  • Compromised.

What are insider threats in cyber security?

The Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) defines insider threat as the threat that an insider will use his or her authorized access, wittingly or unwittingly, to do harm to the Department’s mission, resources, personnel, facilities, information, equipment, networks, or systems.

What are examples of insider threats?

Examples of Insider Threats

  • Attorneys steal and destroy data from their law firm.
  • Former IT administrator steals company data.
  • Shopify data leak traced back to rogue employees.
  • Popcorn recipe theft.
  • Tesla’s Autopilot code theft.
  • Anthem data breach begins with a phishing email.

What is not an indicator of insider threat?

Alcohol or substance abuse or dependence is not an indicator of potential for insider threat. Anyone associated with foreign travel or foreign governments should be considered an insider threat.

What are some potential insider threat indicators cyber awareness?

What are some potential insider threat indicators? Difficult life circumstances such as substance abuse, divided loyalty or allegiance to the U.S., and extreme, persistent interpersonal difficulties.

What is an example of insider threat?

For example, an employee could send an email containing sensitive information to the wrong person, email company data to personal accounts to do some work over the weekend, fall victim to a phishing or spear phishing attack, or lose their work device.

What are some potential insider threat indicators Cyber Awareness 2020?

What are threat indicators?

CISA defines “cyber threat indicator” as “information that is necessary to describe or identify— (A) malicious reconnaissance, including anomalous patterns of communications that appear to be. transmitted for the purpose of gathering technical information related to a cybersecurity threat or.

What are reportable behavior indicators?

Any credible anomaly, finding, observation, or indicator associated with other activity or behavior that may also be an indicator of terrorism or espionage. 14. Data ex-filtrated to unauthorized domains.

What is not a common indicator of a potential insider threat?

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