What are the 4 main methods of food fortification?

What are the 4 main methods of food fortification?


  • Commercial and industrial fortification (wheat flour, corn meal, cooking oils)
  • Biofortification (breeding crops to increase their nutritional value, which can include both conventional selective breeding, and genetic engineering)
  • Home fortification (example: vitamin D drops)

What is rice fortification?

In other words, rice fortification is a process of adding micronutrients to regular rice. This involves the production of fortified rice kernels (FRKs) from a mixture using an extruder machine. The fortified rice kernels are then blended with regular rice to produce fortified rice.

What is food fortification initiative?

The Food Fortification Initiative (FFI) is a public, private, and civic partnership that provides technical assistance to governments, regional bodies, food producers, and implementing agencies to plan, implement, and monitor fortification of industrially milled wheat flour, maize flour, and rice.

What are the types of fortification?

Basically, there are four types of food fortification….

  • Mass fortification:
  • Targeted fortification:
  • Market driven fortification:
  • Other types of fortification:

What is food fortification Upsc?

Food fortification is defined as the practice of adding vitamins and minerals to commonly consumed foods during processing to increase their nutritional value. It is a proven, safe and cost-effective strategy for improving diets and for the prevention and control of micronutrient deficiencies.

How is fortification done?

Fortification is the practice of deliberately increasing the content of an essential micronutrient, i.e. vitamins and minerals (including trace elements) in a food, so as to improve the nutritional quality of the food supply and provide a public health benefit with minimal risk to health.

What is fortified rice Upsc?

According to the Food Ministry, fortification of rice is a cost-effective and complementary strategy to increase vitamin and mineral content in diets. According to FSSAI norms, 1 kg fortified rice will contain iron (28 mg-42.5 mg), folic acid (75-125 microgram) and Vitamin B-12 (0.75-1.25 microgram).

What is food fortification PDF?

Fortification is defined as an addition of one or more certain ingredients or nutrients to a food product, which aims to prevent nutrient deficiencies in a particular population [4] .

How is food fortification done?

Is fortified rice healthy?

“Multiple studies have shown the efficacy of fortified rice. More than 17 scientific publications in over 25 countries, including India, have demonstrated that consumption of extruded fortified rice is safe and effective in women and children. It can significantly address iron deficiency,” says Varghese.

What is the hidden hunger?

Hidden hunger, or micronutrient deficiencies, occurs when the quality of food that people eat does not meet their nutrient requirements, so they are not getting the essential vitamins and minerals they need for their growth and development. It affects two billion people across the globe.

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