What is the least powerful branch of government?

What is the least powerful branch of government? the judicial branch Which branch of government does the Federalists support as the one that will dominate? Madison warns that the legislative branch will necessarily be the strongest branch. Madison offers two remedies to the danger of legislative dominance: 1. Dividing the legislature into different branches—that is, […]

What are the pros and cons of a republic government?

What are the pros and cons of a republic government? The pros of having a republic type of government, include widespread cultivation of civic virtue, increased liberty and just laws, while the cons include mass corruption and government inefficiency. What are the benefits of a republic? What are the Advantages of Republican Government? Fairness. They […]

What kind of character is Casca?

What kind of character is Casca? Casca is a cynical Roman with no great taste for Caesar’s fooling over the crown. He disdains the mob and their poor oral hygiene as much as he disdains Cicero’s elitist erudition. What is Stewart quoting in Devs? At the propylaea of the temple, he finds Stewart standing inside […]

What are the different factions?

What are the different factions? The factions are called Abnegation (selfless), Erudite (intellectual), Dauntless (brave), Candor (honest), and Amity (peaceful). Beatrice, the main character, was born into Abnegation, but she’s far from selfless. What is faction mean? 1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique […]

How does Brutus respond to speech?

How does Brutus respond to speech? How does the crowd react to Brutus’s and Antony’s funeral speeches? After Brutus speaks, they want to crow him king, but Antony’s speech makes them want to kill Brutus and the other conspirators. Their reactions sugges that the people can be easily manipulated. What happens to Brutus in the […]

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