What is the future of computer science?

What is the future of computer science? 1. Artificial intelligence and robotics. With the global robotics industry forecast to be worth US$80 billion by 2024, a large portion of this growth is down to the strength of interest and investment in artificial intelligence (AI) – one of the most controversial and intriguing areas of computer […]

What is the easiest programming job to get?

What is the easiest programming job to get? Here are 4 beginner-friendly coding jobs: Junior web developer. Web developers create the front-end and back-end code that powers web applications and websites. Junior web designer. Web designers are digital artists who are tasked with creating the visual look and feel of a website. Data analyst. Become […]

Is Social Psychology important in our daily lives?

Is Social Psychology important in our daily lives? Social psychology can be used in different areas of our lives such as, our way of thinking, relationships (personal and professional), physical and mental health etc. At the center of all these, it’s human social cognitive system interacting with everyday situations. What are the basic principles of […]

What removes salt from the body?

What removes salt from the body? In healthy individuals, the kidneys respond to excess sodium by flushing it out in the urine. Unfortunately, this also removes potassium. If potassium levels are low, the body tries to hoard it, which also means hanging onto sodium. Why is pure water dangerous? The more purified water a person […]

Can I tie the neutral and ground together?

Can I tie the neutral and ground together? No, the neutral and ground should never be wired together. When you plug in something in the outlet, the neutral will be live, as it closes the circuit. If the ground is wired to the neutral, the ground of the applicance will also be live. What is […]

How much does a Level 4 at Amazon make?

How much does a Level 4 at Amazon make? How much does a Amazon L4 Area Manager at Amazon make? The typical Amazon Amazon L4 Area Manager salary is $51,572. Amazon L4 Area Manager salaries at Amazon can range from $47,760 – $63,558. What opportunities do you see at Microsoft to utilize your knowledge and […]

What language did the Mayans and Aztecs speak?

What language did the Mayans and Aztecs speak? Nahuatl What was life like for the Mayans? Mayans everyday lives were busy, either with jobs, trading, producing crops and goods, ceremonies, games, dancing, writing, and astronomy and mathematics. Mayans made a writing system that used hieroglyphs, which each picture had its own meaning. Why was Chichen […]

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