What is underneath Antarctica ice?

What is underneath Antarctica ice? The discovery of what appear to be sponges in the pitch-black seawater beneath almost half a mile of ice has biologists baffled. The geologists used hot-water equipment to drill the borehole through more than half a mile of the ice shelf, on the southern edge of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. British […]

What should I do after TFA?

What should I do after TFA? TFA offers many opportunities for you to continue to grow, collaborate, and lead after the corps….Alumni Leadership Initiatives Capitol Hill Fellows Program. Social Innovation Award. Rural School Leadership Academy. Schools to Learn From. What are the requirements for Teach for America? In order to be considered for admission to […]

Did the Federalists believe in democracy?

Did the Federalists believe in democracy? Though the Revolution had overthrown British rule in the United States, supporters of the 1787 federal constitution, known as Federalists, adhered to a decidedly British notion of social hierarchy. The Federalists did not, at first, compose a political party. The United States was not created to be a democracy. […]

Can I stay in Antarctica?

Can I stay in Antarctica? The people who travel to or live in Antarctica fall into two main groups, those who live and work on scientific research stations or bases, and tourists. No-one lives in Antarctica indefinitely in the way that they do in the rest of the world. It has no commercial industries, no […]

What does SS mean in SS Titanic?

What does SS mean in SS Titanic? Steam Ship Why did the SS Californian ignore the Titanic? In fact, it was Californian that warned the Titanic about pack-ice in the region. Californian itself has stopped for the night because of the dangers and its radio operator was allowed to go to sleep. Californian noticed a […]

What is opposite of federalism?

What is opposite of federalism? This time, it was decided that a government system based on federalism would be established. The opposite of this system of government is a centralized government, such as in France and Great Britain, where the national government holds all power. What was the fear of the anti-federalists? The Anti-Federalists opposed […]

What were the viewpoints of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

What were the viewpoints of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists? Those who supported the Constitution and a stronger national republic were known as Federalists. Those who opposed the ratification of the Constitution in favor of small localized government were known as Anti-Federalists. The Anti-Federalists argued against the expansion of national power. What did the anti-federalists want? […]

What is pros and cons in English?

What is pros and cons in English? Arguments or considerations for and against something, as in We’d best weigh all the pros and cons before we decide to add a new wing to the library. This idiom is taken from the Latin pro for “for” and con for “against.” [ Late 1500s] What are the […]

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